Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chemotherapy & Cancer

Daniel Hauser and the Side Effects of Cancer Treatments for Hodgkin's Disease

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Conventional cancer treatments for Hodgkin's Disease are extremely dangerous to your health. Both radiation and chemotherapy are extremely toxic, and according to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, undergoing such treatments increases the risk of future cancers by three hundred percent.(1)

One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. It's a classic example of conventional medicine: The "treatment" for the disease promotes yet more disease, resulting in guaranteed repeat business from patients ("customers") who are never allowed to cure anything. Instead, diseases are "managed" with a lifetime of drugs, repeat doctor visits and complete isolation from anything that might actually cure the patient and end the cycle of dependency on doctors and pharmaceuticals.

Read the full article:

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