Monday, July 14, 2008

2008 ROW Lecture Tour - Houston

After leaving New York, I flew to Houston, to spend time with my good friend Anna, and her husband, and Anna in her usual inimitable style had lined up for me quite an extensive lecture programme. Anna and her husband live in a delightful home in what could only be described as one of the most beautiful and imaginatively designed urban areas where only minimal tree clearing has occurred, with winding footpaths separated from the roadways with trees and shrubs, thus quite effectively screening the traffic noise considerably, and at the same time reducing air pollution. Naturally enough, the area is called Woodlands.

During the time I spent with Anna, we put in four days with her assistance and expertise, designing, and putting up the website for the ISRN, a job which I could not have been able to complete without Anna. Thank you Anna. The site may be visited at:

The lectures I gave were to various groups, among them being, the Houston Natural Hygiene Society, and the Houston Raw Food Society, as well as at various libraries in the area. The photos I have to share with you are not from this time round, as, in New York, I must have had a further slack attack. Or perhaps I felt I had taken enough on previous occasions to satisfy all my(our), needs.

The meals that usually were provided by the different groups, prior to the lecture(s), were always most imaginatively prepared and presented. A gourmet's delight to be sure.

In this instance, I was addressing the Vegetarian Society. Their meeting was being held in a local vegetarian restaurant, the owners of which had supplied a msot delicious meal.

Mamiko Matsuda is a local identity of Houston, an author, and translator of Hygienic books into the Japanese language, a member of the Houston Natural Hygiene Society, and a very good friend.
She assists in the arranging of my lectures in the Houston area.

One of the venues for my periodic lectures is the Woodlands library.

During my time in Houston we had the pleasure of visiting an Hygienic colleague, Dr Ralph Cinque, who welcomed us into his home and very graciously supplied us with a most delicious meal.

Dr Cinque is the first on the left and, and my host Anna, is the second from the right. The group is standing in front of one of Dr Cinque's prize fig trees, a number of which adorn his garden, along with some other fruit trees.

As a tribute to the Hygienic lifestyle, this young lady has been brought up this way, and has not experienced the usual chil-hood maladies, nor hardly a day of sickness.

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