Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Ojai Valley,California 2011

My last port of call before departing on the long haul home over the Pacific Ocean, which was via Nadi, Fiji, was the Ojai Valley, a very unique and delightful valley, just out of Los Angeles. 

Here I am just about to enter the Krishnamurti Foundation Centre which is beautifully maintained by the librarian, and who most graciously opened the centre for us, sharing his experiences there as chef to Krishnamurti, and now librarian. It was Krishnamurt's practice to spend three months each year at the centre. giving lectures most days.

The Ojai Valley is a beautiful fruit growing area north of Los Angeles with many of its residents being health conscious, and quite a number of organic farms. It was of interest to note that none of the major fast food outlets were to be found in the township, nor were they allowed. Of the two Health Food Stores in the town, one stocked only organically grown produce.

This building must have some importance for me to have photographed it. Unfortunately I am unable to read the sign either. California has a climate similar to much of Australia, and many eucalypts have been planted there, along with the style of homes built being similar, if not the same, making it quite remniscent of OZ.

This is a view of the artificial lake which supplies the valley with its water and which is surronded by a national park with numerous camping areas around the perimeter of the lake. The are very popular both with visistors and the locals, although at the time I was there the season was only just commencing as the snows on the surrounding hills had only recently melted.

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