Monday, June 13, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Houston,Austin, San Antonio, Texas 2011

No, this is not the vehicle we used for thre next twelve hour segment as we travelled from Hot Springs to Houston. It caught my eye just as we were about to leave, and felt I would like to share it with you as it was/is such a cute idea.

Soon after arriving at our hosts, we were able to sit down to a delightful raw food meal and relax after  the long day's drive.

My trusty lap-top came in handy as a prompt when, at some of the venues, I was unable to use it for PowerPoint presentations.

We were very priveledged to be able to spend one day travelling to the nearby city of Austin to visit with my good friend and colleague Dr Ralph Cinque.

We also visited the University of Texas and the HJ Lutcher Stark Centre of Physical Culture which is still in the process of being developed by Dr Terry and his wife to portray the development and history of  what comes under the umbrella term of Physical Culture, and includes such disciplines as golf, tennis, body building - and Natural Hygiene and other natural therapies.
This has been achieved with grants in excess of $13million

In this view we are able to see the decor of the library where the students are able to access the material which is housed here.

Dr Terry and his wife in the archives.

Here we are chatting with the librarian in the archives.

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