Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jim's Story

The Parameters of the Fasting Process.
            Following on from a previously successful fast, which I undertook at Clohesy River Health Farm, under Dr. John Fielder, and enjoying the subsequent healing benefits from that first fast, I decided to return for further treatment after a second head injury at work caused a recurrence of several of my initial symptoms, viz. seizures, headache, dizziness and memory failure.
            This second fast was over 14 days and has left me with much clearer and more positive signs of healing than previously. That first fast felt unfinished and left me totally exhausted and my return to work was a dreadful strain whereas my recent fast in June, 2011, has left me with a lovely feeling of closure, satisfaction and energy.
            In the period after the head injury I had been experiencing regular seizures whose frequencies would increase at each full moon. The severity of these seizures was less severe than prior to my first fast in 2009, where extended memory loss caused frightening consequences. The full moon came toward the end of this recent fast and I was so relieved to feel nothing even resembling blackout, discomfort, vagueness or vertigo as had been common prior to fasting.
            In addition, after six days of fasting, I began to feel a general clearing of my head. I have had enormous difficulties concentrating for more than 2 or three minutes and this has made reading and writing (two of my favourite pursuits) frustratingly impossible. In particular the two months prior to this last fast were unbearable in the scrambling effects these seizures had on my day to day activities. However after day 6, I suddenly felt my head clearing, which increased steadily as the fast progressed. John has always taught that every fast is different and that it works differently, according to the body’s dictates. This fast verified his words.
            During this fast I have felt myself directed towards my own spiritual development. I have been drawn into a great deal of introspection, which has revealed to me that sadly my life has been dominated by Ego and a negative attitude. This fast was a challenge to me more in those areas than in the area of healing my acquired brain injury. It seems that the brain’s readjustment was not my body’s major concern. All this draws me to the obvious conclusion that we are indeed far more than a physical entity. Truly we are a whole conglomeration of energies and interconnections of mind and body and soul with accompanying intuitions, emotions, responses, and sensibilities. I came searching for physical healing but I received far more. Many of my nights involved ‘enlightenment’ of a deeply personal and profoundly life changing nature for me. For example I was often flooded with intense waves of home sickness for my partner, Judy, who has battled alongside me through these last 5 years of chaos. I often awoke with an aching heart and the strongest desire to thank this wonderful woman, who has been my guardian angel for so long – even though I have no memory of her for the first 6 years of our wonderful relationship. My only blessing has been that I have experienced the pleasure of falling in love with her twice over (even if I don’t remember the first time!). I realize that this is a discussion of emotion and, as such, may be dismissed by many, however the healing and cleansing on this level is of paramount importance to me as an individual.
It must be stated that this second fast was more complete, more personal and far more satisfying for me. John’s philosophy of “the body always knows best” has dominated his comments, his careful monitoring and his answers always reinforce that my body was in charge all through the fast.
I am so glad to have been following a rawfood diet for the last 3 or 4 years as it no doubt prepares the individual much better for the extremes of detoxification. A fast is after all a stripping of toxins from the body – whether they be of a physical, emotional or of a spiritual nature.
I am looking forward to re-commencing my ‘new life’, with my present new level of awareness and vitality.  My fasting experience opened me completely to the enormity of being and to the wonderful systems the body has developed to cure us and bring us towards the experience of wholeness.
Jim Petherbridge

Jim's previous posting may be viewed October 2009

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