Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Deb's Story

Name: Deborah

Weight: 100k

BP: 195/125

Time: March 2010

Background due to BP put on tablets to lower my blood pressure and told to come back in three months. I went back to my doctor 6 months later and due to no change in my BP she changed my BP medication and gave me two more prescriptions, one for a blood thinning aspirin and one for a cholesterol pill.

March 2011 my BP was down to 130/90. My doctor was pleased and said to continue taking the three medications. I had started to eat a vegetarian diet 60% and lost five kilos. I then decided to take myself off all medication.

June 2011 I came to John’s health farm for three weeks. Full of excitement, anticipation, not really knowing much about fasting except what I’d read in the Bible. I came with my sister and wanted to be introduced to a new healthy way of living.

At present I was finding it hard to carry my grandbabies. I’d get puffed after a few steps. I would also get tingling in my arms when filing on shelves above my shoulders.

I had come to John’s farm from working fulltime 10 hour days and a busy social life. We ate fresh fruit for lunch, fresh salad for dinner for two days. I also slept a lot. We were encouraged to rest, sip fresh water, walk around the farm, down to the river, sun bathe, and breathe in fresh air

John would meet with us individually every afternoon. We would weigh in, temp taken, BP, pulse and our tongues checked. Also, there was time for any questions to be asked. My first BP was 175/89 and weight was 95k. Over the last three weeks my blood pressure has steadily gone down to 130/80. My weight has held steady now for three days at 83k.

I feel great, rested. It’s amazing what is happening for me. After the two days of raw fruit and salad, I asked John if I could start a water fast. He said yes, due to monitoring me and, of course, my decision. Water fasting was nothing like I expected. I steadily lost weight and my BP went down.

I didn’t feel hungry at all and didn’t feel I needed to consume litres of water. I did get very tired and then after two or three days the poisons started to come out of my body. I had some strange dreams that I noted in my journal. I had very bad reflux and pains that were felt in my shoulder blades, ears, mouth and chest. Day five and six I felt nauseous and didn’t want to even drink water. Day seven I broke the water fast. For 6 days I drank orange juice, sipping it from a cup with a teaspoon.

I am now eating some papaya and then in a couple of days some salad.

I am very grateful to my sister for bringing me along and very thankful to John for practical approach “Nature Cure”. I’m leaving here with some great knowledge from books and paper I read whilst healing. I have learned to “trust the process”. It’s all about some organic chemical free raw fruit and vegetables, fresh air, fresh water, some sunshine, good peaceful rest, and positive attitude. As John says “our bodies are made to heal themselves”.

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