Sunday, June 12, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Atlanta,Georgia.

From Chestertown I travelled to Atlanta, Georgia for my next series of lectures where normally I would have the opportunity to lecture to the students of Dr Paul Goldberg at Life University. This year my timing was a little awry, in that the days the students were available, were outside of the time I spent there. I did have the pleasure though of spending time with Dr Goldberg discussing matters of mutual interest and viewing the site of his proposed Natural Hygiene Centre.


Here am I, Dr Goldberg, and my host Nancy, having a picnic lunch on the front lawn, so to speak, of the proposed centre.

A visit to one of the local farmers markets, which are becoming more and more popular, worldwide, as the quality of the fresh food available decreases, along with soaring prices, brings greater demand for the locally produced, tasteful food, at a reasonable price increases.

The demand for oganically produced food is also growing as more and more people are starting to realise the superiority healthwise, and taste wise of food which has been grown without the use of chemical fertilisers and poisonous sprays.

Any-one who eats eggs will enthuse over the difference between those produced by battery hens and those produced by free ranging chickens, eating what is natural for them, and getting all the exercise, fresh air and sunlight they need.

Many of my lectures are preceded by a pot-luck meal and this one to the local Natural Hygiene group was no exception. This is some of the food which was provided.

A most enthusiastic group they were too.

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