Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Priscilla's Story

Back to Basics

Meeting my sister and I at the airport was this healthy, beautiful man. We walked over and introduced ourselves and off we went. The journey starts. We started with a sugar cane juice at the fruit market. I had to stop myself from asking for more, it was so delicious. It was about a 40 minute drive, and then we arrived at John’s farm. I felt relieved, fresh air and fruit trees all around me. I am where I’m meant to be and with my sister.

Two years ago I had a lump in my kidney. I was told by my doctor to have some more tests, but I didn’t want to. I have no faith in chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I believe that water fasting can shrink and cure all things, so here I am doing a water fast.

In preparation to commence the water fast I ate raw fruit and salad for three days. Then on the fourth day I commenced sipping water for the next nine days. My kidneys have been sore, but I kept on going. The water became hard to drink, but I just kept persevering and asking God to help me. I got out of the way and allowed God to do his work. My emotions have been going haywire, but I gave that up to God and didn’t react. I feel so greatful for my time here. Let go. Let God. - Priscilla

Deb's Story

Name: Deborah

Weight: 100k

BP: 195/125

Time: March 2010

Background due to BP put on tablets to lower my blood pressure and told to come back in three months. I went back to my doctor 6 months later and due to no change in my BP she changed my BP medication and gave me two more prescriptions, one for a blood thinning aspirin and one for a cholesterol pill.

March 2011 my BP was down to 130/90. My doctor was pleased and said to continue taking the three medications. I had started to eat a vegetarian diet 60% and lost five kilos. I then decided to take myself off all medication.

June 2011 I came to John’s health farm for three weeks. Full of excitement, anticipation, not really knowing much about fasting except what I’d read in the Bible. I came with my sister and wanted to be introduced to a new healthy way of living.

At present I was finding it hard to carry my grandbabies. I’d get puffed after a few steps. I would also get tingling in my arms when filing on shelves above my shoulders.

I had come to John’s farm from working fulltime 10 hour days and a busy social life. We ate fresh fruit for lunch, fresh salad for dinner for two days. I also slept a lot. We were encouraged to rest, sip fresh water, walk around the farm, down to the river, sun bathe, and breathe in fresh air

John would meet with us individually every afternoon. We would weigh in, temp taken, BP, pulse and our tongues checked. Also, there was time for any questions to be asked. My first BP was 175/89 and weight was 95k. Over the last three weeks my blood pressure has steadily gone down to 130/80. My weight has held steady now for three days at 83k.

I feel great, rested. It’s amazing what is happening for me. After the two days of raw fruit and salad, I asked John if I could start a water fast. He said yes, due to monitoring me and, of course, my decision. Water fasting was nothing like I expected. I steadily lost weight and my BP went down.

I didn’t feel hungry at all and didn’t feel I needed to consume litres of water. I did get very tired and then after two or three days the poisons started to come out of my body. I had some strange dreams that I noted in my journal. I had very bad reflux and pains that were felt in my shoulder blades, ears, mouth and chest. Day five and six I felt nauseous and didn’t want to even drink water. Day seven I broke the water fast. For 6 days I drank orange juice, sipping it from a cup with a teaspoon.

I am now eating some papaya and then in a couple of days some salad.

I am very grateful to my sister for bringing me along and very thankful to John for practical approach “Nature Cure”. I’m leaving here with some great knowledge from books and paper I read whilst healing. I have learned to “trust the process”. It’s all about some organic chemical free raw fruit and vegetables, fresh air, fresh water, some sunshine, good peaceful rest, and positive attitude. As John says “our bodies are made to heal themselves”.

Jim's Story

The Parameters of the Fasting Process.
            Following on from a previously successful fast, which I undertook at Clohesy River Health Farm, under Dr. John Fielder, and enjoying the subsequent healing benefits from that first fast, I decided to return for further treatment after a second head injury at work caused a recurrence of several of my initial symptoms, viz. seizures, headache, dizziness and memory failure.
            This second fast was over 14 days and has left me with much clearer and more positive signs of healing than previously. That first fast felt unfinished and left me totally exhausted and my return to work was a dreadful strain whereas my recent fast in June, 2011, has left me with a lovely feeling of closure, satisfaction and energy.
            In the period after the head injury I had been experiencing regular seizures whose frequencies would increase at each full moon. The severity of these seizures was less severe than prior to my first fast in 2009, where extended memory loss caused frightening consequences. The full moon came toward the end of this recent fast and I was so relieved to feel nothing even resembling blackout, discomfort, vagueness or vertigo as had been common prior to fasting.
            In addition, after six days of fasting, I began to feel a general clearing of my head. I have had enormous difficulties concentrating for more than 2 or three minutes and this has made reading and writing (two of my favourite pursuits) frustratingly impossible. In particular the two months prior to this last fast were unbearable in the scrambling effects these seizures had on my day to day activities. However after day 6, I suddenly felt my head clearing, which increased steadily as the fast progressed. John has always taught that every fast is different and that it works differently, according to the body’s dictates. This fast verified his words.
            During this fast I have felt myself directed towards my own spiritual development. I have been drawn into a great deal of introspection, which has revealed to me that sadly my life has been dominated by Ego and a negative attitude. This fast was a challenge to me more in those areas than in the area of healing my acquired brain injury. It seems that the brain’s readjustment was not my body’s major concern. All this draws me to the obvious conclusion that we are indeed far more than a physical entity. Truly we are a whole conglomeration of energies and interconnections of mind and body and soul with accompanying intuitions, emotions, responses, and sensibilities. I came searching for physical healing but I received far more. Many of my nights involved ‘enlightenment’ of a deeply personal and profoundly life changing nature for me. For example I was often flooded with intense waves of home sickness for my partner, Judy, who has battled alongside me through these last 5 years of chaos. I often awoke with an aching heart and the strongest desire to thank this wonderful woman, who has been my guardian angel for so long – even though I have no memory of her for the first 6 years of our wonderful relationship. My only blessing has been that I have experienced the pleasure of falling in love with her twice over (even if I don’t remember the first time!). I realize that this is a discussion of emotion and, as such, may be dismissed by many, however the healing and cleansing on this level is of paramount importance to me as an individual.
It must be stated that this second fast was more complete, more personal and far more satisfying for me. John’s philosophy of “the body always knows best” has dominated his comments, his careful monitoring and his answers always reinforce that my body was in charge all through the fast.
I am so glad to have been following a rawfood diet for the last 3 or 4 years as it no doubt prepares the individual much better for the extremes of detoxification. A fast is after all a stripping of toxins from the body – whether they be of a physical, emotional or of a spiritual nature.
I am looking forward to re-commencing my ‘new life’, with my present new level of awareness and vitality.  My fasting experience opened me completely to the enormity of being and to the wonderful systems the body has developed to cure us and bring us towards the experience of wholeness.
Jim Petherbridge

Jim's previous posting may be viewed October 2009

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Ojai Valley,California 2011

My last port of call before departing on the long haul home over the Pacific Ocean, which was via Nadi, Fiji, was the Ojai Valley, a very unique and delightful valley, just out of Los Angeles. 

Here I am just about to enter the Krishnamurti Foundation Centre which is beautifully maintained by the librarian, and who most graciously opened the centre for us, sharing his experiences there as chef to Krishnamurti, and now librarian. It was Krishnamurt's practice to spend three months each year at the centre. giving lectures most days.

The Ojai Valley is a beautiful fruit growing area north of Los Angeles with many of its residents being health conscious, and quite a number of organic farms. It was of interest to note that none of the major fast food outlets were to be found in the township, nor were they allowed. Of the two Health Food Stores in the town, one stocked only organically grown produce.

This building must have some importance for me to have photographed it. Unfortunately I am unable to read the sign either. California has a climate similar to much of Australia, and many eucalypts have been planted there, along with the style of homes built being similar, if not the same, making it quite remniscent of OZ.

This is a view of the artificial lake which supplies the valley with its water and which is surronded by a national park with numerous camping areas around the perimeter of the lake. The are very popular both with visistors and the locals, although at the time I was there the season was only just commencing as the snows on the surrounding hills had only recently melted.

Monday, June 13, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Houston,Austin, San Antonio, Texas 2011

No, this is not the vehicle we used for thre next twelve hour segment as we travelled from Hot Springs to Houston. It caught my eye just as we were about to leave, and felt I would like to share it with you as it was/is such a cute idea.

Soon after arriving at our hosts, we were able to sit down to a delightful raw food meal and relax after  the long day's drive.

My trusty lap-top came in handy as a prompt when, at some of the venues, I was unable to use it for PowerPoint presentations.

We were very priveledged to be able to spend one day travelling to the nearby city of Austin to visit with my good friend and colleague Dr Ralph Cinque.

We also visited the University of Texas and the HJ Lutcher Stark Centre of Physical Culture which is still in the process of being developed by Dr Terry and his wife to portray the development and history of  what comes under the umbrella term of Physical Culture, and includes such disciplines as golf, tennis, body building - and Natural Hygiene and other natural therapies.
This has been achieved with grants in excess of $13million

In this view we are able to see the decor of the library where the students are able to access the material which is housed here.

Dr Terry and his wife in the archives.

Here we are chatting with the librarian in the archives.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Hot Springs, Arkansas,2011

Pictured here is Nancy's trusted steed which took us all the way from Atlanta, across the state of Georgia, through Mississippi, and down to Hot Springs in Akansas and our hosts Janis and Travis.
This was a twelve hour drive, travelling mostly at 70 miles an hour on the Interstate, except for a two hour detour caused by exceptional flooding of the Mississippi.
For a number of years I had resisted driving in the countries that drove on the right side of the road, due to feeling my reflexes were too attuned to the left. In recent years though, I have bitten the bullet and driven across Europe and the US with little ,if any, trouble. It does take considerable vigilance, yet so far I can only recall once having strayed to the wrong side, and fortunately correcting to the right side when confronted with a vehicle coming the other way.

In Hot Springs we had the opportunity of visiting the development of a botanical gardens and ecological park being developed in conjunction with the local University. A very delightful wooded area with a number of artificial water-falls and streams.

Unfortunately the photos fail to depict the whole of the beauty that is there, so I must leave it to your imagination to perceive it in its wholeness.

Whilst there we saw the effects of the high winds as they left their trail of havoc - trees stripped bare of leaves, many blown over and up-rooted - houses partially and completely demolished - and alonside them houses completely un-touched.

Here and there were to be found crosses and wreaths on the roadsides for those who had lost their  lives during this time from the highly destructive winds.

And, of course, the culmination of our time in Hot Springs was the caring and sharing of the lecture with the local people.

Before leaving Hot Springs, I would like to share with you this rather unusual structure in the gardens, used for lectures to all and sundry, and particularly University Students. It was designed by a local architect, and built to withstand high winds.

This is the dome in the centre of the building which brings light into what would otherwise be a very dark area.

This is a plaque at the entrance to the gardens acknowledging all those who have contributed towards its development.

This is a set of giant wind-chimes in a unique setting.

And this very unique church.

The interior of the church is like being inside - yet outside. A very unique concept in a unique setting.

Our last pot-luck and lecture at Janis and Travis home before departing for Houston in Texas.

ROW Lecture Tour - Atlanta,Georgia.

From Chestertown I travelled to Atlanta, Georgia for my next series of lectures where normally I would have the opportunity to lecture to the students of Dr Paul Goldberg at Life University. This year my timing was a little awry, in that the days the students were available, were outside of the time I spent there. I did have the pleasure though of spending time with Dr Goldberg discussing matters of mutual interest and viewing the site of his proposed Natural Hygiene Centre.


Here am I, Dr Goldberg, and my host Nancy, having a picnic lunch on the front lawn, so to speak, of the proposed centre.

A visit to one of the local farmers markets, which are becoming more and more popular, worldwide, as the quality of the fresh food available decreases, along with soaring prices, brings greater demand for the locally produced, tasteful food, at a reasonable price increases.

The demand for oganically produced food is also growing as more and more people are starting to realise the superiority healthwise, and taste wise of food which has been grown without the use of chemical fertilisers and poisonous sprays.

Any-one who eats eggs will enthuse over the difference between those produced by battery hens and those produced by free ranging chickens, eating what is natural for them, and getting all the exercise, fresh air and sunlight they need.

Many of my lectures are preceded by a pot-luck meal and this one to the local Natural Hygiene group was no exception. This is some of the food which was provided.

A most enthusiastic group they were too.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

ROW Lecture Tour - Chestertown,Maryland 2011

The county seat of Kent County, on Maryland's Upper Eastern Shore, Chestertown is surrounded by the rich tapestry of farmland and Chesapeake Bay estuaries that almost surround the county with water.

An Impeccably Restored Maryland Historic Inn Nestled in the Chesapeake Bay Region
See Chestertown Spy Video:
Christian Havemeyer on the Preservation of the White Swan Tavern

It was at the White Swan that I stayed, my friend ,and host, Wayne being the Inn-keeper. And it was here that I gave my lecture to a group of interested people from the locality.

The White Swan Tavern has been a familiar landmark in Chestertown since pre-Revolutionary War days. Not far from the great Eastern cities of Baltimore, Washington, and Philadelphia, the White Swan Tavern is a quiet, elegant historic inn nestled in the history of Maryland's Chesapeake Bay region. The White Swan is for those who treasure serene streets, birdsong mornings, impeccable service, and the grace of New World Tradition.
Today the tavern operates as a bed and breakfast, offering accommodations and afternoon tea, as well as amenities for small conferences, weddings, and receptions. Just as it was described in the 18th century, the White Swan remains "a comfortable... Public House... with every attention given to render comfort and pleasure to such as favor it with their patronage."

The interior of the white Swan could well make the weary traveller believe he/she was experience a time warp with its exquisite and tasteful period furnishings.

The ambiance throughout the whole of the Inn was that of the 18th Century.

The old riverside mansions have benn beautifully, and tastefully restored, harking back to their glory days and the cotton plantations which enabled their being built.

Also to be found some of the very early wooden stuctured buildings, awaiting restoration. It is well to bear in mind that the restoration of these old house has been a continuing and on-going process since the 70's. A labour of love, so to speak. One which provides employment for many of the local tradesmen wo lovingly and caringly carry out the refurbishment of what, in some instances, are almost derelict buildings.

A work in progress, so to speak.