Friday, May 3, 2013

ROW Lecture Tour 2013 UK

And so to the UK and initially to York and to attend the ISRN Conference for this year. Although the membership is shrinking due to more members dying than being added, at this moment, a trend which the Society is working to reverse, the very enthusiastic group tht attended, felt that it was well worthwhile with a grand time being experienced by all.

This is a few of those who attended the conference with many being unable to attend the dinner.
I then had the opportunity of spending a few days in London with clients and at the same time meeting a friend from 30 odd years ago, which was a great joy to us both.
At the same time I was able to spend time with one of the Students of the Lifestyle Consultants Course and meet the newborn daughter, born naturally at home.

I felt most honoured to be able to hold this beautiful new born child, with such a wonderful start in life free of medical intervention.

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