Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arthritis - Merrilyn's Story

Merrilyn informed me that when she was looking for somewhere to go in an endeavour to deal with her condition in ways other than through medicine, having already been down that track for too many years without any success, that it would have been helpful to her, if she had been able to read of other people's experience. We discussed the idea of posting her story on the blog for others to view, and with her permission and blessing here is Merrilyn's Story.

"My name is Merrilyn and I am beginning my seventeenth day at the Clohesy River Health Farm. In 1991 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, then in 2007, after being hospitalised with a fractured disc in my lower back, the diagnosis was extended to osteo arthritis and osteoporosis, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

After the fracture I was told I would not walk again. When I came to the Farm, I spent 80% of my time in a wheel chair and 20% walking with a frame. After two days I went on a seven day fast. The first four days were increasingly uncomfortable. The pain intensified in all my joints. I slept whenever I was able. After four days the pain began to lose its intensity. I had the best night's sleep I have had in seventeen years. My thinking became clear, and I began to write each morning. I can now sit and lay down without experiencing pain. When I stand or walk, there is still discomfort.

It is amazing what has surfaced. As with the physical healing this gets better each day. It is as if all the doubts and blockages have now been released, and I now see a clear picture of my future.

I have believed the concept of the mind, body connection in healing for some time. Now I know it is so. It may be a bit dramatic to say that John has saved my life, but he has definitely given me the opportunity to prolong it, and the tools to do so.

Thank you John."

These two photos are of some of the deformity that Merrilyn has experienced.

Update by Merrilyn

"Here is an up-date on my progress.
Sunday I began to feel empty. I had my first good bowel movement on Sunday evening. Monday I felt even more empty, but still quite calm. Tuesday I awoke feeling quite empty and would have liked a bowl of cooked oats. By lunch time I was even more empty. I had the urge to eat my meal quickly in order to fill myself up. I resisted the urge and ate as I have been since coming to the Farm - slowly, and chewing to a juice.

After the meal I felt quite satisfied - for a half hour. Then empty again. The same thing occurred at dinner, the only difference being that it took about an hour before the emptiness returned.I decided then to go to sleep and forget about it. When I finally slept, it was broken by me waking up crying and saying how hungry I was. It was a most fearful experience and I slept very little.

This morning when I told John that I was feeling so hungry, he asked me to explain the feeling. I said I felt empty inside. I now know that what I have been feeling is a healthy emptiness. Something I have not experienced for a long time(if ever).

Today I feel calm and peaceful, and very tired. The feeling of emptiness is still there. It is no longer all-encompassing, as it was yesterday and last night. I feel I have been through a healing crisis."

Merrilyn, who has worked extensively with alcoholics, described her experience as the same as, or similar to, those experiencing withdrawal from an addiction. And this is entirely in line with my own experience. The difference for Merrilyn to most other people, was her initial experience of euphoria before that of the withdrawal. It is usual for it to be the other way around - yet as can well be seen, not necessarily so.

Sunday 29th June.

The benefits that Merrilyn experienced in such a relatively short time were, and are attributable to the follwing factors:

· An extended period prior to coming to the farm, of gradually changing her habits to a more healthy way

· Commencing the fast at the time designated by her body and not according to an intellectual decision to do so

· Breaking the fast appropriately

· Counselling during the fast and subsequently after breaking the fast.

· Her willingness and readiness to experience whatever discomfort that might occur during the fast and to follow the directions she was given

· Her acceptance and understanding of, the necessity for supervision whilst she was fasting.

· Her acceptance and understanding that the breaking of the fast was just as important as, if not more so, than the fast itself, to ensure that the maximum benefit was obtainable.

It is necessary for us to bear in mind that the fast is only one of the tools which is used, and necessary in the building and maintenance of health. The mind, along with sunlight,exercise,diet,clean water, etc., are also important and necessary components, and without balancing those factors in our lives, all the fasting in the world will not be sufficient to provide health.


It is also my intention to continue to post the experience of my clients, with their permission, as I feel sure you will all find their experience of interest, informative, and up-lifting too, to know that there is another way. That we do not require to accept that our case is “hopeless”, and that all we can look forward to is an increase in discomfort, medication, operations, invalidism, then life support systems, with more and more pain, as we age. In other words, that we do have a choice. It is then up to us whether we make this choice or not.

1 comment:

John Fielder said...

Well done Merrilyn!

I had the honour of spending a little time in your company as you underwent your fast, and I found you to be gracious about your situation, and courageous in the way you took personal responsibility for both your condition and your healing. I'm delighted that this time with John has served you. Issy (and well done John of course for providing the location, expertise and care at Clohesy Farm.)


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