The time had come for me to move on from Kolkata to Kochi, also known as Cochin, on the south west coast in the state of Kerala. Kerala is the most densely populated state in India as well as being the richest. This is well born out by the type and size of many of the residences.
Of course not every-one lives in such opulence with most living either in much smaller homes or in high rise apartments.
This is the home of the actor and screen-writer Sreenivasan, whom I spent some time with viewing his magnificent and extensive garden which he is developing along purely organic lines.
As can readily be seen he is putting in much work in his garden.
Yours truly with Sreenivasan
Sreenavisan with his good wife.
An organic food store which is next to and part of a Pharmacists shop.
One of the really old Jak fruit trees to be seen in the area, mostly loaded with fruit. Jack fruit is commonly used as a base for curries as it readily takes on the curry flavour. Because of this it is one tree along with the mango, which is to be found in abundance almost everywhere.
This sign is written in the local language which is widely spoken in Kerala, Malayalam. As can be seen it is advertising a lecture by myself and a local Dr.
This sign is on the other side of the entrance to the restaurant at which the lecture was given.
The gentleman, his wife and daughter, along with the photo of his father who developed the retreat which he now operates as an homeopathic centre.
Walking along the railway line to the station to catch one of the local inter-city trains.
A group of local organic farmers who attended one of my lectures on organic farming and health.
A local magazine on organic methods of farming produced locally in Malaylam.
The Marari Beach Resort is a magnificent resort which has been developed along ecological lines using only organic methods. This is the dining room which as can be seen is a magnificent structure providing an in-door, out-door experience.
The Greater Cochin Development Authority overseas the development, amongst other things, of agriculture.
This display of sunflowers and cucumbers(loaded with cucumbers) is to be found fronting the Cochin's Authority building.
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