In spite of it being Easter upon my arrival in Brno in the Czech Republic, the lectures were unusually well attended by a very enthusiastic group of people, all wishing to know more and more about how they could improve their quality of life.
In all the countries that I visited, I was informed that although it most certainly was cold, and mostly wet at the time, and to be expected, the weather this year had been most unusual. Not at all how they had become used to. In fact this year, so I was informed, seen less snow-fall than usual. In past years, at the time of my visits, the mountains would be snow-capped. This year there was no snow to be seen.
As was usual, I did not speak the language, nor did enough of the audience speak enough English for us to communicate without a transalator. I was greatly blessed in having Lucy to fulfill this role, for not only was she fluent in both languages, she also had a sense of humour. And as well can be understood, when you are spending up to three or more hours translating an unknown subject, it is vitally necessary.
Easter Sunday fell during my visit to Brno. With my love of organ music, I took the opportunity to attend the service at the local cathedral. The Czech Republic having only in the recent years emerged from communism, I was a little surprised by the large number of people attending the service. I was standing at the back of the church which, by the time the service commenced, was packed with many others standing with me.
It was indeed a joy to see the preservation of the trams(trolleys in the US, and becoming known as light rail around the world).
Larger and more modern versions of trams have been added to the system. All in all, I saw three different models, each model a little more sophisticated and streamlined.
One of the joys of this time of the year is the advent of Spring and the blossoming of the trees as they set their fruit and leaves.
And then to Prague. Said to be one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, if not of the world. Not having as yet visited them all, I do not feel in the position to comment. Except that is, that I agree wholeheartedly that it is indeed a beautiful city.
Of the many beautiful churches in Prague, due to limited time, I was only able to visit one of them, which can readily be seen to be very ornamated and intricate in its design.
The number of statues and fountains is legion. I trust that this small offering will suffice for the moment. perhaps even wet your appetite to visit and see for yourself.
As in Brno, it still being Easter, the nimbers attending the lecture(s) was small - but very enthusiastic.
This is the entrance to a special local school in Prague teaching the children about sustainability and the environment.
And this are the signs at the entrance advertising the teaching available to the students attending the school.