The termites are an on-going problem, and from time to time it requires that, in spite of taking every possible precaution, I need to replace the timber that they have been feasting on.
In this instance we are having to replace the roofing timbers, with galvanised steel bearers and have taken the opportunity to also replace the roof itself, as some of the iron was commencing to rust. In this way I am hoping that our friends the termites, will cease to be such a problem.
Alison, an Osteopath, and long standing friend and I had a picnic lunch on the Esplanade the day she left the farm to spend a week seeing the sights in Cairns, prior to flying back to the UK. And yes it was a tropical fruit lunch and that is papaya that you can see, as well as Rollinea Deliciosa, a central and South American custard apple.
Another long standing friend from the UK,Annette, also assisted us with our painting, as the chamfer board on the Dining room was badly in need of some TLC. She did a wonderful job, especially as heights are not her forte. Yes., as can be seen here, she braved the topmost rungs of our extension ladder to not only rub it all down, but to also apply two coats of paint!!!!
Alonside the refurbishment of our units I am at present occupied
Our Papayas are at the stage where they are setting fruit, and it is possible that we will be eating our own papayas soon after Xmas all being well.
The Brazillian Cherries are commencing to flower, and we trust will set fruit in the very near future.
Some of our young mango's have flowered and not set any fruit
Whereas our older trees are flowering and setting fruit profusely
And here are to be seen the first of our tomatoes setting. I am hopeful that we will soon be self-sufficient in this regards.
we very much enjoyed the update. please post more photos.
greg and daniela
Hi Greg & Daniela,
Thank you for your kind comments. You may rest assured that more photos will be forthcoming soon. The finishing of the units is a race with time, as our builders lost a few days due to illness, which leaves us very close to the deadline for the in-coming guests. Am sure we will make it - just.
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