Although Bob lived within the local urban area, it almost was semi-rural, being surounded by large treed and grassed areas, adjacent to the local University. It enabled him also to have an area for the growing of his own vegetables which, with the winter having just passed, was still in its very early stages, and not yet fully producing.
On each of the days that I was with Bob, he had most graciously arranged a lecture for me in the surrounding towns. And of course there always are a few glitches that occur with such an undertaking, especially when the lectures include PowerPoint presentations, which mine did. On one occasion we found that the only method available was through a DVD player and TV. With the assitance of Bob's expertise in these matters were able to do this after he had spent a number of hours transferring my lecture to a compatable DVD.
Most if not all, the lectures commenced with a pot-luck, which, for those not in the know, consists of each person bringing a plate of their favourite raw food dish which every-one then savours. A really great idea for spreading different methods, and thoughts on food preparation, as well as not costing an arm and a leg for any-one.
The usual request was that I pose with the proferred food to prove that at least I had been there.
And so it continued through the in the seven or so presentations that I made in the surrounding townships of Toledo.
By now you must be heartily tired of viewing pot-lucks.
Eventually the time came when I must again move on, and for those who can recall the delightful technicolour travelogues of Fitzpatrick which always ended with the ship sailing into the sunset and the spoken words" Once again we say farewell to the fine city of (name of city)." Which in this instance would be Toledo. And to wish me a fond farewell and safe journey, was Bob and his parents.
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