Sunday, December 14, 2008

Air Powered Car

The Air Powered Car

I would consider that this is one of the most forward thinking and innovative ideas to be presented to the world in recent times. Especially as it has no real need to rely on non-renewable sources for power, such as petro-chemicals, or even bio-fuels, thus dealing, in one stroke, with two formidable aspects of internal combustion engines, pollution, and the tying up of essentially viable food crop growing land.

By combining the air-powered motor with solar power, and other sources of electricity, as has already been demonstrated in such vehicles as the Toyota, Prius, to drive an in-board compressor, to keep the compressed air cylinder(s) topped up, we should be able to achieve(almost) perpetual motion.

Also in one stroke, we would completely reduce all the air pollution which the internal combustion engine produces, almost completely removing the cause of atmospheric smog, thus restoring the air purity of our cities, and removing a major cause of lung congestion in our populace, amongst other things.

Assuming that all the claims made for it by its inventor, and I have no reason to doubt his word, given that any-one with a mechanical turn of mind can see that what is claimed is not beyond the realms of present expertise, also to wonder why we had not thought of it long before, I would think that every man ,woman, and child, would be clamouring for it to be made available, for the public good, if nothing else. As I have noted earlier, the potential for the reduction in our society of green-house gasses, is enormous – beyond our wildest dreams, so to speak.

Perhaps I might appear to be waxing too lyrical? Yet, with my limited imagination, even I can see that the potential for benefitting our society is enormous. Australia could well become the hub for the world manufacture of what would truly be its own car, and not that as an off-shoot of some multi-national. The motor itself could be utilized to completely replace the internal combustion engine in all the multitudinous ways it is used today. And I am sure that would only be a start.

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