Thursday, December 25, 2008
Farm Up-date, Xmas Cake
Our layered fruit cake has become so enjoyed by all that have ever tried it that it has almost become a staple for all occasions that we have a gathering at the farm. Its popularity is such too, that unless we proportionate it out, if you did not get in early you most possibly will have missed out. And it does not matter how large we make it, it never seems to be large enough.
The first step is to line the bowl with a dried fruit and nut mix which forms the pastry so to peak.
This is a mixture of dried fruits and nuts in which the nuts are finely ground and then mixed with the dried fruit, which mix is then put through a mincer. The resulting cake can then be stored as such, or as described in the "Farm Recipe Book" which gives an in-depth description of the ingredients and process involved, it may be rolled into balls, named by the Farm as "Goodie Balls".
The mix in this instance, is rolled out as thinly as you possibly can, and as mentioned, used to line the bowl. Also as a layer between the layers of fresh raw fruit. The above photo shows the lined bowl, and the ingredients used in each layer.
In our endeavours to roll the mixture as thinly as possible we came across the problem, that it did not seem to matter what we did, we could not stop it from sticking to the roller. That was until such time as some-one came up with the bright idea of doing so in a plastic bag. And no, you do not climb into the plastic bag to do it. You place the mix in there and use the roller on the outside, thus eliminating contact between the roller and the mix. It works perfectly.
In this photo you can see the layer of fruit after which we place a layer of mix before applying another layer of fuit. And so on.
In this instance we used Dragon fruit as our first layer, then mango, papaya, pineapple,banana, topped with grated coconut.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Water Fluoridation
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Declining Male Population
Concern for the Male Population
by Susanne Morrone, C.N.C., citizen journalistSee all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, reports something is happening to men and boys which concerns scientists and researchers: fewer boys are being born than girls. How far-reaching is this problem? In a study by Dr. Devra Davis of the University of Pittsburgh, the combined figures for U.S. and Japan is a "staggering tally of 262,000 'missing boys' from 1970 to about 2000 because of a decline in the sex ratio at birth."
Scientists are also puzzled why there is a lopsided ratio of girls to boys being born in the Canada's Aamjiwnaang First Nation. Interestingly enough, this community is almost surrounded by petrochemical plants. In Canadian babies, hypospadiasis has increased by 60% since the mid-1970's. This is a disfiguring defect, where the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis rather than its normal anatomical position. Other countries are seeing an increase in this condition as well.
From 1983 to 2005, young Canadian males in the 20 to 44 age bracket have seen a 54 per cent rise in testicular cancer. Testosterone levels in U.S. men have declined by nearly 20% over the past two decades. Both fertility and virility rates are down, including the shrinking size of male gonads.
There's a definite parallel in the animal kingdom. Man-made chemical toxins frequently assault males of different species with fiercer effects. Amphibians such as male toads are being feminized.
University of Florida zoologist, Dr. Theo Colborn, author of "Our Stolen Future" and president of the Colorado-based Endocrine Disruption Exchange, offered her expert opinion. She fears some chemicals are impeding normal brain development, with greater impact on males. As an example, she cites attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as two to four times greater in boys than girls. She also feels chemical exposures could explain why enrollment at U.S. and Canadian universities favors females, currently at 60 to 40 per cent.
The environmental impacts of phthalates in plastic inhibit testosterone production and possibly may cause irregular genital development. Brominated flame-retardants may block the thyroid hormone critical to proper development of both the testes and the brain. University of Missouri professor, Dr. vom Saal, said, "This mishmash of synthetic hormones - leading to too much estrogen and too little testosterone and thyroid hormone - is making "a mess of sexual development in males." He conducted studies relative to sperm health comparing various geographic locations. A markedly lower sperm count in males from farming areas verses urban areas suggests pesticides are to blame.
Of the world's 100,000 registered chemicals, many are endocrine disruptors, exhibiting toxic hormonal effects along with carcinogenicity. Even in mere parts per million, these chemicals can upset the intricate working of human hormones. Xenoestrogens are found in DDT and other organophosphate pesticides, PCB's, plastics, bisphenol A, DES, as well as mercury and uranium. They're in our food and the air we breathe. This continuing chemical assault from pesticide applications is taking a serious health toll. There is good reason to be pro-active in lessening these assaults as much as possible, and the effects upon men and boys is obviously a major one.
Source for this story: Canada's National Newspaper, The Globe and Mail
"Humanity at Risk: Are The Males Going First?" September 20, 2008
Susanne Morrone, C.N.C., is an author, speaker and natural health educator. Her book, "The Best Little Health Book Ever," is the quintessential natural health primer. She is also included in "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Health" by Her mission and educational outreach is found at
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Air Powered Car
The Air Powered Car
I would consider that this is one of the most forward thinking and innovative ideas to be presented to the world in recent times. Especially as it has no real need to rely on non-renewable sources for power, such as petro-chemicals, or even bio-fuels, thus dealing, in one stroke, with two formidable aspects of internal combustion engines, pollution, and the tying up of essentially viable food crop growing land.
By combining the air-powered motor with solar power, and other sources of electricity, as has already been demonstrated in such vehicles as the Toyota, Prius, to drive an in-board compressor, to keep the compressed air cylinder(s) topped up, we should be able to achieve(almost) perpetual motion.
Also in one stroke, we would completely reduce all the air pollution which the internal combustion engine produces, almost completely removing the cause of atmospheric smog, thus restoring the air purity of our cities, and removing a major cause of lung congestion in our populace, amongst other things.
Assuming that all the claims made for it by its inventor, and I have no reason to doubt his word, given that any-one with a mechanical turn of mind can see that what is claimed is not beyond the realms of present expertise, also to wonder why we had not thought of it long before, I would think that every man ,woman, and child, would be clamouring for it to be made available, for the public good, if nothing else. As I have noted earlier, the potential for the reduction in our society of green-house gasses, is enormous – beyond our wildest dreams, so to speak.
Perhaps I might appear to be waxing too lyrical? Yet, with my limited imagination, even I can see that the potential for benefitting our society is enormous.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Links to Interesting Articles
- Forced Medication of Psychiatric Patients Now Being Called Into Question
- 533K Jobs Lost in November, Foreclosures Surge to 1.35 Million Homes as America Teeters on Depression
- Exclusive Video from Generation Rx Film Features Dr. Julian Whitaker on the Drugging of Children
- GM Crops Climb to Nearly One-Tenth of Global Crop Production
Dangers of GMO's
Latest GMO Research: Decreased Fertility, Immunological Alterations and Allergies
by Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., citizen journalistSee all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are created through an inexact science of shooting genes spliced from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or humans with a .22 caliber pistol into the DNA of plants or animals laced with a metal such as tungsten. This unsafe science ostensibly supplants millions of years of evolution with little or no scientific justification. In fact, recent research on GMO crops have reported yields to be between 4 to 20 percent less than conventional crops [1-6].
In the 1970's when genetic engineered was pioneered, scientists believed the genome was static and genes could be altered in a uniform manner with the organism only expressing the one intended modification. As research progressed in the 1980's, scientists scrapped the idea of the static genome and moved towards a dynamic genomic belief model. This came about from the realization that by inserting a new gene into a plant, a cascade of unintended consequences arose. Scientists found that there was no possible way to introduce a new gene into an organism and only get one intended result. The genes quickly changed based on a myriad of unknown circumstances that sometimes could not be repeated in the lab even though the exact same procedures were used. The levels of instability from these newly created organisms were overwhelming, but many scientists were silenced.
Safety has always been the number one priority of consumers when it comes to GMOs; antithetically, the seed companies' only priority has been to increase profits at any expense. Therefore, it is no surprise that objective and unbiased researchers have recently added to the growing knowledge of the realities of the increased instability and unintended consequences regarding the long-term safety of GMOs. These researchers recently found clear links among the consumption of GM-corn and decreased fertility, immunological alterations in the gut and the exacerbation and creation of allergies.
Fertility in GM-Fed Mice
Scientists in Austria recently conducted the first ever long-term multi-generational feeding study of Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) corn (NK 603 x MON 810) in mice [7]. The study consisted of two groups: an experimental group, which was fed a 33% GM corn (maize) feed, and a control group, which was fed an equivalent non-GM corn feed. The mice were allowed to live a natural life and were monitored for four generations. Scientists recorded organ weight, gene expression, body mass, metabolism, life span and number of offspring of both groups of mice. The scientists found that mice fed GM corn had significantly less pups per litter than the control group on the third and fourth generation. Furthermore, pups whose parents were fed GM-feed weighed less at birth and at weaning and experienced significantly higher mortality rates than those fed non-GM corn. Lead author of the study Professor Zentek reported that there was a direct link between the decrease in fertility and the GM diet and mice fed non-GM corn reproduced more efficiently.
Gene Expression in GM-Fed Mice
Using a microarray analysis, the scientists reported that 1016 genes had been differentially expressed in the mice fed GM corn with most being up-regulated. Essentially, the GM-fed mice had hundreds of their proteins, which are encoded by genes, expressed in an increased or decreased quantity, which as a corollary altered certain biological processes in their bodies. For example, sensory perception, ion transport and the ability to breakdown proteins (proteolysis) were down-regulated or under-expressed, while the ability of the mice to regulate T-cells (a primary immunological response especially in fighting cancer), circadian rhythm regulation and the FAS signalling pathway (which is a major pathway for cell apoptosis and is important in the elimination of cancers) were over-expressed. This study elucidates the fact that biologic damage from GMOs may not manifest until the third generation and details strong evidence for the mandatory labelling, and even more so for the mass extinction, of these highly dangerous and unnecessary foods.
Immunological Reactions in GM Fed Mice
Italian researchers at the National Institute of Nutrition in Rome, Italy, recently published a study examining the effects of a 50 percent GM-corn (maize) diet on the intestinal immune response of mice [8]. The GM-corn was known as Monsanto's transgenic MON810 and was created using an inserted foreign DNA sequence from the bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) designed to protect against a fungus known as the Fusarium species. The study was conducted over 30 and 90-day periods respectively, with mice from two groups, weaning age (mean of 21 days) and old age (mean of 15 months). The study evaluated the peripheral and intestinal immune response to long-term GM-corn and non-GM corn consumption of each group across the two periods. The young and old mice were used because of the lack of research on these subsets as well as their potential susceptibility to immunological changes, more so than non-aged adult animals.
The results of the long-term study revealed significant changes in the immunophenotype of the gut, spleen, circulating lymphocytes and the level of serum cytokines of the mice fed GM-corn. Immunophenotyping essentially determines the expression of proteins by the cells. Any differences in the expression of proteins between the control and the experimental groups would be attributable to the GM diet. Specifically, the researchers found an increased presence of several cytokines in the GM fed mice, which are specifically involved in inflammatory and allergic responses by the body. The researchers also found an increase in the protein expression of lymphocytes (TCRγδ+ population). Within this population, the γδT cells reside in the gut and are associated with regulatory elements of the immune response, specific to infectious agents [9-11]. Elevated amounts γδT cells have been found in asthmatics, children suffering from food allergies, gastrointestinal symptoms and juvenile arthritis [12]. The GM-fed mice also exhibited significant alterations in the number of T and B cells, indicating a significantly abnormal immune response to the genetically altered feed. Furthermore, other researchers have found a newly expressed protein from the consumption of GM corn (50 kDa γ-zein), which is a widely known allergenic protein [13]. In conclusion, from the newly presented research it is apparent that ingesting genetically engineered BT corn not only invokes an anaphylaxis (allergenic) response within the body, it also deregulates several proteins, inhibits fertility and alters the overall immunological response by the body. Clearly, Monsanto whose sole goal is to control the world through food, has a lot of explaining to do.
1. Benbrook, C.M. (1999). Evidence of the magnitude and consequences of the Roundup Ready soybean yield drag from university-based varietal trials in 1998. Ag BioTech InfoNet Technical Paper Number 1,
2. University of Nebraska (2000). ‘Research shows Roundup Ready soybeans yield less’, IANR News Service,
3. Griffiths, M. (1999). ‘The emperor’s transgenic clothes’, Are GMO lemmings in the US leading all of us over the biotechnology cliff?
5. Oplinger, E.S., M.J. Martinka, & Schmitz, K.A. (1999) ‘Performance of transgenetic soybeans - Northern US’, presented to the ASTA Meetings, Chicago.
6. Reported in Farmers Weekly (UK), 4th December 1998. Clark, E.A. (1999) ‘10 reasons why farmers should think twice before growing GE crops’,
7. Cyran, N. Gully, S., Handl, G., Hofstatter, F. Meyer, Skalicky, M., & Steinborn, R. (November 11, 2008). Biological effects of transgenic maize NK603xMON810 fed in long term reproduction studies in mice. Unpublished report: Institute fur Ernahrung, Austria.
8. Finamore, A., Roselli, M., Britti, S., Monastra, G., AMbra, R., & Mengheri, E. (In Press). Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.
9. Tsuchiya, T.; Fukuda, S.; Hamada, H.; Nakamura, A.; Kohama, Y.; Ishikawa, H.; Tsujikawa, K.; Yamamoto, H. Role of γδ T cells in the inflammatory response of experimental colitis mice. Journal of Immunology. 2003, 171, 5507–5513.
10. Groh, V., Steinle, A., Bauer, S., Spies, T. (1998). Recognition of stress induced MHC molecules by intestinal epithelial γδ T cells. Science, 279, 1737–1740.
11. Mombaerts, P., Arnoldi, J., Russ, F., Tonegawa, S., & Kaufmann, S. H. (1993). Different roles of R and γδ T cells in immunity against an intracellular bacterial pathogen. Nature, 365, 53–56.
12. Kokkonen, J., Arvonen, M., Va¨ha¨salo, P., & Karttunen, T. J. (2007). Intestinal immune activation in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and connective tissue disease. Scandanavian Journal of Rheumatology, 36, 386–389.
13. Pasini, G., Simonato, B., Curioni, A., Vincenzi, S., Cristaudo, A., Santucci, B., Peruffo, A. D.; Giannattasio, M. (2002). IgE-mediated allergy to corn: a 50 kDa protein, belonging to the reduced soluble proteins, is a major allergen. Allergy, 57, 98–106.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Susan's Story
EATING RAW by Susan Fulton
I initially heard about the Raw Food way of eating through my daughter. She was living in
At the beginning of 2005 I myself was in a very poor state of health. For many years I had been the sole carer of my elderly husband who had Alzheimer’s. He finally died in February 2005.
My daughter had come to the
For some time I had thought of switching to the raw food way of eating, and stated that now seemed to be the ideal time to start. Initially my daughter gave me natural juices to bring me out of the fast, then gradually introduced the raw foods.
I am now 87 years of age and have been eating this way for the last 4 years. It has done wonders for my health, and taken years off my life both in ability and appearance. It had another amazing bonus. Buying clothes had always been a problem as I had a figure known as ‘pear shaped’. Miraculously this rectified, and in my case enabled me to purchase a standard 12, a fact that is sure to appeal to ladies!
Not for anything would I ever return to my previous way of eating, and if you study the anatomy of the human body, you will see that it is designed for the eating of raw foods.
I live in a flat, but am fortunate in having access to locally grown organic vegetables and do my best by obtaining the organic fruits and seeds, nuts etc from the health shop and local stores. I lead a very active life, and have no need to go to a doctor or take any medication, with the exception of thyroxin which I found necessary due to the partial removal of my thyroid when living in
Recipe books are available for those more adventurous, but I am happy to keep it simple. Some nations are having appalling problems with obesity. This could be so simply avoided were the people to eat raw foods. Here’s hoping!