Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2008 ROW Lecture Tour - Edinburgh

From Slovenia I then flew into Manchester, and travelled from there by train to York to spend a few days with my friend Leslie Harrison, prior to journeying by car with Annette and Alison, to Edinburgh, to attend the conference of the ISRN(Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths), which was held in the coach house at Kingston. Most of the attendees stayed at a very pleasant B & B which was within walking distance of the conference centre. Edinburgh continued the tradition of the rest of the venues I had so far visited, with freezing cold,wet weatherNothing new, so to speak.

The original Kingston clinic still stands, it and the grounds which it occupied have been sold and redeveloped, very pleasingly, in my estimation, into units. The coach house which is on the periphery of this development, is occupied by Leslie Thompsons widow May, which she kindly makes available every second year as a venue for the conference of the Society. In this, the Society is most fortunate, as it is a very homely and old world atmosphere, in a delightful setting. Thank you May.

May was also kind enough to cater for us and provided scrumptious vegetarian meals for all that attended, including not only the members, but also the visitors.

This is a photo of those who attended the conference and was taken outside the entrance to the coach house. As can well be seen, the majority of the members are now in the seniors age category.

One of the lecturers at the conference was Dr Vicki Clifford, who addressed the members on the subject of, "Is Talking a Cure?"

We were also fortunate in being able to be addressed by the science writer Colin Tudge on "Sustainable Farming". Colin regularly appears as a public speaker for the British Council,and is a Fellow of Linnean Society of London, and visiting Research Fellow at the Centre of Philosophy at the London School of Economics. He is the author of a number of books, amongst which are "Feeding People is Easy" and "The Secret Life of Trees".

Barbara Drysdale spoke on "Pregnancy in the 21st Century - the Experiences of a Nature Cure Mother". As well as Dr D Andrew Smith, with "Childbirth - the Perspective of an Anaesthetist".

The Conference Dinner was held at Annabel's Restaurant, where every-one spent a most enjoyable evening and at which yours truly delivered the Presidential Speech.

The consensus of those attending was to the effect that the conference was the best they had attended for a number of years. Much of the praise for this, and was due to the supreme efforts of David Tinsley, who filled in for Peter Fenton who was unfortunately unable to do so due to being incpacitated at the time. Well done David and thank you.


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