Your dental fillings are toxic, the world’s
major health regulator finally admits
And here’s your complete guide for removing them safely
This unprecedented about-turn marks the sudden end of a lawsuit that had been mounted by advocacy groups, such as Moms Against Mercury, who are seeking to ban the use of mercury in amalgam fillings and children’s vaccinations.
In an official statement, which has now been posted on the FDA website, the regulator admitted that mercury-containing dental fillings "may have neuro-toxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses."
The statement puts the US in line with a handful of other countries that already ban the use of mercury fillings in pregnant women. The FDA is calling for further research, and may announce a complete ban on amalgam fillings.
'What Doctors Don't Tell You' has called for the ban of amalgam fillings since 1990 – and its Dental Handbook provides a complete guide about their dangers, and when – and how – you should remove them. Dentists warn that an inexpert removal of amalgam fillings can cause serious chronic illness, and they’re right. The Dental Handbook explains how it should be done. Best of all, it’s available for download now, which makes it can be on your PC desktop in moments.
To order your copy, please click here.
Pregnant women, and people with “a health condition that makes them more sensitive to mercury exposure” or with high levels of mercury already, should talk to their dentists about safer alternatives.
'What Doctors Don't Tell You' and patient groups have discovered associations between the fillings and chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. It has also been linked to brain and kidney damage.
"The FDA announcement is a landmark decision, and one that will hasten the end of mercury fillings. Mercury has been used in people’s teeth for more than 80 years because it is a simple and malleable metal. But it is also the most toxic known to man, and every time we bite a minute amount of mercury enters our body, creating chronic disease," says 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' editor Lynne McTaggart.
You can read the evidence for yourself in the ‘What Doctors Don't Tell You’ Dental Handbook. There you can read the years of research that we have accumulated about amalgam’s dangers. The Dental Handbook also provides a treatment protocol for removing amalgam fillings.
To get your copy instantly, please click here.
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