Thursday, December 25, 2008

Farm Up-date, Xmas Cake

I am often asked, " how do you cope eating only raw food at Xmas time, as it is usual to eat Xmas pudding or Xmas cake at this time. Our favourite way has been to make a layered fruit cake with only whole raw ingredients.

Our layered fruit cake has become so enjoyed by all that have ever tried it that it has almost become a staple for all occasions that we have a gathering at the farm. Its popularity is such too, that unless we proportionate it out, if you did not get in early you most possibly will have missed out. And it does not matter how large we make it, it never seems to be large enough.
The first step is to line the bowl with a dried fruit and nut mix which forms the pastry so to peak.
This is a mixture of dried fruits and nuts in which the nuts are finely ground and then mixed with the dried fruit, which mix is then put through a mincer. The resulting cake can then be stored as such, or as described in the "Farm Recipe Book" which gives an in-depth description of the ingredients and process involved, it may be rolled into balls, named by the Farm as "Goodie Balls".

The mix in this instance, is rolled out as thinly as you possibly can, and as mentioned, used to line the bowl. Also as a layer between the layers of fresh raw fruit. The above photo shows the lined bowl, and the ingredients used in each layer.

In our endeavours to roll the mixture as thinly as possible we came across the problem, that it did not seem to matter what we did, we could not stop it from sticking to the roller. That was until such time as some-one came up with the bright idea of doing so in a plastic bag. And no, you do not climb into the plastic bag to do it. You place the mix in there and use the roller on the outside, thus eliminating contact between the roller and the mix. It works perfectly.
In this photo you can see the layer of fruit after which we place a layer of mix before applying another layer of fuit. And so on.

In this instance we used Dragon fruit as our first layer, then mango, papaya, pineapple,banana, topped with grated coconut.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Water Fluoridation

So you still think fluoridation is a good thing? Listen to the video clip and read excerpts below.

Water Fluoridation "Obsolete" According to Nobel Prize Scientist
Nations who still practice it "should feel ashamed of themselves"

Excerpts of Interview with Dr. Arvid Carlsson, October 4, 2005

CONNETT: So, what happened in Sweden. The fluoridation issue was proposed...

CARLSSON: Yes, I think it was up twice... The second time, there was a proposal that the Swedish Parliament should allow addition of fluorine to the water supplies in Sweden and I became rather active as I had been the first time, and I think I was perhaps the one who more than anyone else convinced the Swedish parliament that this was not a good thing. So, it was voted out, this proposal. And that was around 1980. So you can see it's a long time ago. And after that addition of fluorine to water supplies in Sweden has not been an issue anymore. These days nobody talks about it anymore.


CONNETT: Do you think that your background in pharmacology sort of informed your view of fluoridation as a medical practice?

CARLSSON: Of course. I mean, as I said before, this is against all principles of modern pharmacology. It's really obsolete. No doubt about that. I mean, I think those nations that are using it should feel ashamed of themselves. It's against science.


CARLSSON: Fluorine has a protecting action against caries, but this is a local effect... If you drink it, you are running the risk of all kinds of toxic actions. And, of course, there are such actions. We have the mottled teeth, which is not a small thing... There is no need, really, to go any further into all these other toxicity problems because I think the mottled teeth is enough. This is something you shouldn't expose citizens to.

CONNETT: In the United States, the dental community says that dental fluorosis is just a cosmetic effect, it's just spots on the teeth. Do you see mottled teeth as a toxic effect of fluoride, or as simply a cosmetic effect?

CALRSSON: Well, it is a toxic effect and a cosmetic effect. These are not mutually exclusive. It's toxic and it's cosmetic.


CONNETT: What about this notion of using the water supply as a vehicle of delivering medication? Can you speak to what you see as the problems with that?

CARLSSON: Yea, it's absolutely obsolete. In modern pharmacology it's so clear that even if you have a fixed dose of a drug, the individuals respond very differently to one and the same dose. Now, in this case, you have it in the water and people are drinking different amounts of water. So you have huge variations in the consumption of this drug. So, it's against all modern principles of pharmacology. It's obsolete, I don't think anybody in Sweden, not a single dentist, would bring up this question in Sweden anymore.


CONNETT: You mentioned that fluoride's benefits come from the local, or topical, effect. Could you just discuss a little more what you see as the significance of that fact? Why is it important that fluoride's benefit is topical, and not from ingestion?

CARLSSON: Well, in pharmacology, if the effect is local, it's of course absolutely awkward to use it in any other way than as a local treatment. I mean this is obvious. You have the teeth there, they're available for you, why drink the stuff?... I see no reason at all for giving it in any other way than locally -- topically, if you wish.


CONNETT: In the US, the Centers for Disease Control, which is a US government health body, has proclaimed water fluoridation to be one of the top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century.

CARLSSON: I disagree profoundly.

Fluoride Action Network | 802-338-5577 |

Declining Male Population

Concern for the Male Population

by Susanne Morrone, C.N.C., citizen journalist
See all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, reports something is happening to men and boys which concerns scientists and researchers: fewer boys are being born than girls. How far-reaching is this problem? In a study by Dr. Devra Davis of the University of Pittsburgh, the combined figures for U.S. and Japan is a "staggering tally of 262,000 'missing boys' from 1970 to about 2000 because of a decline in the sex ratio at birth."

Scientists are also puzzled why there is a lopsided ratio of girls to boys being born in the Canada's Aamjiwnaang First Nation. Interestingly enough, this community is almost surrounded by petrochemical plants. In Canadian babies, hypospadiasis has increased by 60% since the mid-1970's. This is a disfiguring defect, where the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis rather than its normal anatomical position. Other countries are seeing an increase in this condition as well.

From 1983 to 2005, young Canadian males in the 20 to 44 age bracket have seen a 54 per cent rise in testicular cancer. Testosterone levels in U.S. men have declined by nearly 20% over the past two decades. Both fertility and virility rates are down, including the shrinking size of male gonads.

There's a definite parallel in the animal kingdom. Man-made chemical toxins frequently assault males of different species with fiercer effects. Amphibians such as male toads are being feminized.

University of Florida zoologist, Dr. Theo Colborn, author of "Our Stolen Future" and president of the Colorado-based Endocrine Disruption Exchange, offered her expert opinion. She fears some chemicals are impeding normal brain development, with greater impact on males. As an example, she cites attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as two to four times greater in boys than girls. She also feels chemical exposures could explain why enrollment at U.S. and Canadian universities favors females, currently at 60 to 40 per cent.

The environmental impacts of phthalates in plastic inhibit testosterone production and possibly may cause irregular genital development. Brominated flame-retardants may block the thyroid hormone critical to proper development of both the testes and the brain. University of Missouri professor, Dr. vom Saal, said, "This mishmash of synthetic hormones - leading to too much estrogen and too little testosterone and thyroid hormone - is making "a mess of sexual development in males." He conducted studies relative to sperm health comparing various geographic locations. A markedly lower sperm count in males from farming areas verses urban areas suggests pesticides are to blame.

Of the world's 100,000 registered chemicals, many are endocrine disruptors, exhibiting toxic hormonal effects along with carcinogenicity. Even in mere parts per million, these chemicals can upset the intricate working of human hormones. Xenoestrogens are found in DDT and other organophosphate pesticides, PCB's, plastics, bisphenol A, DES, as well as mercury and uranium. They're in our food and the air we breathe. This continuing chemical assault from pesticide applications is taking a serious health toll. There is good reason to be pro-active in lessening these assaults as much as possible, and the effects upon men and boys is obviously a major one.
Source for this story: Canada's National Newspaper, The Globe and Mail
"Humanity at Risk: Are The Males Going First?" September 20, 2008

Susanne Morrone, C.N.C., is an author, speaker and natural health educator. Her book, "The Best Little Health Book Ever," is the quintessential natural health primer. She is also included in "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Health" by Her mission and educational outreach is found at

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Air Powered Car

The Air Powered Car

I would consider that this is one of the most forward thinking and innovative ideas to be presented to the world in recent times. Especially as it has no real need to rely on non-renewable sources for power, such as petro-chemicals, or even bio-fuels, thus dealing, in one stroke, with two formidable aspects of internal combustion engines, pollution, and the tying up of essentially viable food crop growing land.

By combining the air-powered motor with solar power, and other sources of electricity, as has already been demonstrated in such vehicles as the Toyota, Prius, to drive an in-board compressor, to keep the compressed air cylinder(s) topped up, we should be able to achieve(almost) perpetual motion.

Also in one stroke, we would completely reduce all the air pollution which the internal combustion engine produces, almost completely removing the cause of atmospheric smog, thus restoring the air purity of our cities, and removing a major cause of lung congestion in our populace, amongst other things.

Assuming that all the claims made for it by its inventor, and I have no reason to doubt his word, given that any-one with a mechanical turn of mind can see that what is claimed is not beyond the realms of present expertise, also to wonder why we had not thought of it long before, I would think that every man ,woman, and child, would be clamouring for it to be made available, for the public good, if nothing else. As I have noted earlier, the potential for the reduction in our society of green-house gasses, is enormous – beyond our wildest dreams, so to speak.

Perhaps I might appear to be waxing too lyrical? Yet, with my limited imagination, even I can see that the potential for benefitting our society is enormous. Australia could well become the hub for the world manufacture of what would truly be its own car, and not that as an off-shoot of some multi-national. The motor itself could be utilized to completely replace the internal combustion engine in all the multitudinous ways it is used today. And I am sure that would only be a start.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Links to Interesting Articles

Here are links to a few other articles which I felt every-one would be interested in.

Dangers of GMO's

Latest GMO Research: Decreased Fertility, Immunological Alterations and Allergies

by Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., citizen journalist
See all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are created through an inexact science of shooting genes spliced from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or humans with a .22 caliber pistol into the DNA of plants or animals laced with a metal such as tungsten. This unsafe science ostensibly supplants millions of years of evolution with little or no scientific justification. In fact, recent research on GMO crops have reported yields to be between 4 to 20 percent less than conventional crops [1-6].

In the 1970's when genetic engineered was pioneered, scientists believed the genome was static and genes could be altered in a uniform manner with the organism only expressing the one intended modification. As research progressed in the 1980's, scientists scrapped the idea of the static genome and moved towards a dynamic genomic belief model. This came about from the realization that by inserting a new gene into a plant, a cascade of unintended consequences arose. Scientists found that there was no possible way to introduce a new gene into an organism and only get one intended result. The genes quickly changed based on a myriad of unknown circumstances that sometimes could not be repeated in the lab even though the exact same procedures were used. The levels of instability from these newly created organisms were overwhelming, but many scientists were silenced.

Safety has always been the number one priority of consumers when it comes to GMOs; antithetically, the seed companies' only priority has been to increase profits at any expense. Therefore, it is no surprise that objective and unbiased researchers have recently added to the growing knowledge of the realities of the increased instability and unintended consequences regarding the long-term safety of GMOs. These researchers recently found clear links among the consumption of GM-corn and decreased fertility, immunological alterations in the gut and the exacerbation and creation of allergies.

Fertility in GM-Fed Mice
Scientists in Austria recently conducted the first ever long-term multi-generational feeding study of Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) corn (NK 603 x MON 810) in mice [7]. The study consisted of two groups: an experimental group, which was fed a 33% GM corn (maize) feed, and a control group, which was fed an equivalent non-GM corn feed. The mice were allowed to live a natural life and were monitored for four generations. Scientists recorded organ weight, gene expression, body mass, metabolism, life span and number of offspring of both groups of mice. The scientists found that mice fed GM corn had significantly less pups per litter than the control group on the third and fourth generation. Furthermore, pups whose parents were fed GM-feed weighed less at birth and at weaning and experienced significantly higher mortality rates than those fed non-GM corn. Lead author of the study Professor Zentek reported that there was a direct link between the decrease in fertility and the GM diet and mice fed non-GM corn reproduced more efficiently.

Gene Expression in GM-Fed Mice
Using a microarray analysis, the scientists reported that 1016 genes had been differentially expressed in the mice fed GM corn with most being up-regulated. Essentially, the GM-fed mice had hundreds of their proteins, which are encoded by genes, expressed in an increased or decreased quantity, which as a corollary altered certain biological processes in their bodies. For example, sensory perception, ion transport and the ability to breakdown proteins (proteolysis) were down-regulated or under-expressed, while the ability of the mice to regulate T-cells (a primary immunological response especially in fighting cancer), circadian rhythm regulation and the FAS signalling pathway (which is a major pathway for cell apoptosis and is important in the elimination of cancers) were over-expressed. This study elucidates the fact that biologic damage from GMOs may not manifest until the third generation and details strong evidence for the mandatory labelling, and even more so for the mass extinction, of these highly dangerous and unnecessary foods.

Immunological Reactions in GM Fed Mice
Italian researchers at the National Institute of Nutrition in Rome, Italy, recently published a study examining the effects of a 50 percent GM-corn (maize) diet on the intestinal immune response of mice [8]. The GM-corn was known as Monsanto's transgenic MON810 and was created using an inserted foreign DNA sequence from the bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) designed to protect against a fungus known as the Fusarium species. The study was conducted over 30 and 90-day periods respectively, with mice from two groups, weaning age (mean of 21 days) and old age (mean of 15 months). The study evaluated the peripheral and intestinal immune response to long-term GM-corn and non-GM corn consumption of each group across the two periods. The young and old mice were used because of the lack of research on these subsets as well as their potential susceptibility to immunological changes, more so than non-aged adult animals.

The results of the long-term study revealed significant changes in the immunophenotype of the gut, spleen, circulating lymphocytes and the level of serum cytokines of the mice fed GM-corn. Immunophenotyping essentially determines the expression of proteins by the cells. Any differences in the expression of proteins between the control and the experimental groups would be attributable to the GM diet. Specifically, the researchers found an increased presence of several cytokines in the GM fed mice, which are specifically involved in inflammatory and allergic responses by the body. The researchers also found an increase in the protein expression of lymphocytes (TCRγδ+ population). Within this population, the γδT cells reside in the gut and are associated with regulatory elements of the immune response, specific to infectious agents [9-11]. Elevated amounts γδT cells have been found in asthmatics, children suffering from food allergies, gastrointestinal symptoms and juvenile arthritis [12]. The GM-fed mice also exhibited significant alterations in the number of T and B cells, indicating a significantly abnormal immune response to the genetically altered feed. Furthermore, other researchers have found a newly expressed protein from the consumption of GM corn (50 kDa γ-zein), which is a widely known allergenic protein [13]. In conclusion, from the newly presented research it is apparent that ingesting genetically engineered BT corn not only invokes an anaphylaxis (allergenic) response within the body, it also deregulates several proteins, inhibits fertility and alters the overall immunological response by the body. Clearly, Monsanto whose sole goal is to control the world through food, has a lot of explaining to do.


1. Benbrook, C.M. (1999). Evidence of the magnitude and consequences of the Roundup Ready soybean yield drag from university-based varietal trials in 1998. Ag BioTech InfoNet Technical Paper Number 1,
2. University of Nebraska (2000). ‘Research shows Roundup Ready soybeans yield less’, IANR News Service,
3. Griffiths, M. (1999). ‘The emperor’s transgenic clothes’, Are GMO lemmings in the US leading all of us over the biotechnology cliff?
5. Oplinger, E.S., M.J. Martinka, & Schmitz, K.A. (1999) ‘Performance of transgenetic soybeans - Northern US’, presented to the ASTA Meetings, Chicago.
6. Reported in Farmers Weekly (UK), 4th December 1998. Clark, E.A. (1999) ‘10 reasons why farmers should think twice before growing GE crops’,
7. Cyran, N. Gully, S., Handl, G., Hofstatter, F. Meyer, Skalicky, M., & Steinborn, R. (November 11, 2008). Biological effects of transgenic maize NK603xMON810 fed in long term reproduction studies in mice. Unpublished report: Institute fur Ernahrung, Austria.
8. Finamore, A., Roselli, M., Britti, S., Monastra, G., AMbra, R., & Mengheri, E. (In Press). Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.
9. Tsuchiya, T.; Fukuda, S.; Hamada, H.; Nakamura, A.; Kohama, Y.; Ishikawa, H.; Tsujikawa, K.; Yamamoto, H. Role of γδ T cells in the inflammatory response of experimental colitis mice. Journal of Immunology. 2003, 171, 5507–5513.
10. Groh, V., Steinle, A., Bauer, S., Spies, T. (1998). Recognition of stress induced MHC molecules by intestinal epithelial γδ T cells. Science, 279, 1737–1740.
11. Mombaerts, P., Arnoldi, J., Russ, F., Tonegawa, S., & Kaufmann, S. H. (1993). Different roles of R and γδ T cells in immunity against an intracellular bacterial pathogen. Nature, 365, 53–56.
12. Kokkonen, J., Arvonen, M., Va¨ha¨salo, P., & Karttunen, T. J. (2007). Intestinal immune activation in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and connective tissue disease. Scandanavian Journal of Rheumatology, 36, 386–389.
13. Pasini, G., Simonato, B., Curioni, A., Vincenzi, S., Cristaudo, A., Santucci, B., Peruffo, A. D.; Giannattasio, M. (2002). IgE-mediated allergy to corn: a 50 kDa protein, belonging to the reduced soluble proteins, is a major allergen. Allergy, 57, 98–106.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Susan's Story

EATING RAW by Susan Fulton

I initially heard about the Raw Food way of eating through my daughter. She was living in South Africa at the time, and had met Dr John Fielder when he was visiting a mutual friend. At a later stage she had a complete physical breakdown and developed hypothyroidism. This was brought on through extreme stresses in her life at the time. She was not happy with the medical treatment she was receiving, so when invited to go to Australia for treatment under Dr Fielder, she went. The end results were amazing. Her health and vitality were restored to a level surpassing anything she had previously experienced in life – an end result that the medical fraternity back in South Africa found impossible to believe – and would not believe. For myself, I was very impressed and thrilled at the news, but had not thought of switching to raw foods at that time.

At the beginning of 2005 I myself was in a very poor state of health. For many years I had been the sole carer of my elderly husband who had Alzheimer’s. He finally died in February 2005.

My daughter had come to the Isle of Man during this time, and was staying with me after my husband’s death. I drew her attention to a nasty ulcer I had on my leg. In spite of all my treatments the condition had worsened to such an extent that I told her I felt I should now have to go to the doctor. I have always avoided antibiotics, and knew that they would be prescribed. Following on her own experiences under Dr Fielder, she asked if I was willing to go on a fast. I agreed to this and rested both physically and mentally in bed for three days, whilst drinking large amounts of water. My own system then went into action, and the ulcer started to heal.

For some time I had thought of switching to the raw food way of eating, and stated that now seemed to be the ideal time to start. Initially my daughter gave me natural juices to bring me out of the fast, then gradually introduced the raw foods.

I am now 87 years of age and have been eating this way for the last 4 years. It has done wonders for my health, and taken years off my life both in ability and appearance. It had another amazing bonus. Buying clothes had always been a problem as I had a figure known as ‘pear shaped’. Miraculously this rectified, and in my case enabled me to purchase a standard 12, a fact that is sure to appeal to ladies!

Not for anything would I ever return to my previous way of eating, and if you study the anatomy of the human body, you will see that it is designed for the eating of raw foods.

I live in a flat, but am fortunate in having access to locally grown organic vegetables and do my best by obtaining the organic fruits and seeds, nuts etc from the health shop and local stores. I lead a very active life, and have no need to go to a doctor or take any medication, with the exception of thyroxin which I found necessary due to the partial removal of my thyroid when living in South Africa.

Recipe books are available for those more adventurous, but I am happy to keep it simple. Some nations are having appalling problems with obesity. This could be so simply avoided were the people to eat raw foods. Here’s hoping!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My November Journey

My journey went well, all things considered, with no major glitches, and many things for which I give thanks. Upon arrival in Alice Springs, I found that my accommodation was at one end of the town and the conference the other. Upon investigation I discovered that this required a walk of about one hour, either way, which suited me greatly, providing me with the necessary daily exercise, and as I had the alternative to go via the town, or on a number of paths, more or less following the Todd River, felt well provided for. Over the three days spent there, it gave me the opportunity to explore much of the town and its environs.

Here you see my accomodation from which I set out each morning, and only by briskly walking arrived at the conference centre one hour later.

Much had changed since my original visit there some fifty years ago when the town consisted, or so it appeared from memory, primarily of one main street, with the local indigenous people living mostly in the Todd River, which of course was dry.

Other than the people I met, and the things I learnt, at the conference, the highlight of my visit was to experience quite substantial rain, and the subsequent flowing of the Todd River, an event which was so rare that even the local people made a pilgrimage to view the happening.

Most drove or walked to one of the bridges spanning the river to view it in all its glory.

From subsequent reports, I believe that the rains have continued in that area breaking the extremely long drought.

And as this pattern continued at each of my ports of call, it raining just after my arrival in both Sydney and Brisbane, and then upon my arrival home in Cairns I almost felt that I had brought the rains with me. In fact, at home, on the Clohesy River, we experienced the heaviest rain that I recall occurring since the late 70’s. For although we have had substantial rains since then, it had always been much lighter. In the 60’s and 70’s, which were the periods that I recall, after my arrival in 1967, the rain would chunder down, with quite massive falls over a short period of time. Yesterday was one such occurrence with 37mm(about one and a half inches) in 20 minutes or so in a massive thunderstorm. The lightning and extremely loud claps of thunder overhead, along with the chundering rain were reminiscent of those earlier days.

On my frequent walks through the town I saw many different organisations in operation which had been set up to assist the local indigenous people. The following photos are just some of these.

Whilst at the conference we were invited to attend a barbecue at the local indigenous station CAAMA, which, surprising as it was to me, and may also appear to my readers, included some very edible raw vegetable salads, far superior to anything supplied by the conference caterers.

They also had brand new TV studios witha most interesting room where they could develop ideas around play dough figures and other bits and pieces as seen here.

Alice, is of course, a very dry climate and the area, and most of the gardens I saw were suffering from a lack of water - except the one portrayed here where the householder was utilising every inch of available ground to grow food.

The design of the Council Chambers I found so attractive and harmnious that I felt I should share it with you.

From Alice I flew to Adelaide, spending time with my sister and a group of enthusiastic young raw-fooders including one couple who had, since my last visit early this year, delivered for themselves, with an uncomplicated first birth, a home birth, quite naturally, a lovely baby daughter.

And here is yours truly with his sister.

Upon my return home, I was most happy to find there two friends, Katie and Stewart, who had been a second mother and father to my two youngest boys, Benjamin and Johnathon, assisting substantially in keeping us all sane over the years, and to whom I express my heartfelt thanks. Thank you Katie and Stewart.

Katie and Stewart, are very special people outside of my immediate family also, as they share their skills of indigenous crafts and lifestyle, teaching the local indigenous people their lost arts and crafts, thus enabling them to once again, enjoy the benefits of their own culture.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Breast Cancer

See all CounterThink cartoons...

Comments by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) With Breast Cancer Awareness month fully upon us once again, retail stores have been invaded with everything pink, including "pink ribbon" candies and personal care products made with blatantly cancer-causing ingredients. Retail grocery stores like Safeway even hit up customers for donations at the cash register, promising to raise funds to find "the cure for cancer."

Consumers of course, have virtually no idea where the funds they donate actually go, nor do they know the truths about breast cancer they'll never be told by conventional cancer non-profit organizations. In this article, I'll reveal ten important myths about breast cancer, and the truths that can save your life.

Read the rest of this post at:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brain Damage & Heart By-Pass Surgery

John A. McDougall, MD

Bill Clinton’s Madness:

A Consequence of Heart-Bypass Surgery Brain Damage

John McDougall, MDWe Need to Understand and Show Some Compassion

One of the savviest politicians of our generation, known for his wit, charm, and calm under extreme pressure, Bill Clinton appears out of character in the speeches and interviews televised since his bypass surgery September 6, 2004—and his mental deterioration may be accelerating. Remember, this is the president who withstood public impeachment before the entire world for his relationship with Monica Lewinski without once losing control. Now, he is easily angered by hecklers, and makes factual mistakes and racial slurs while aggressively defending his wife’s campaign for presidency. Everyone sees his mental and emotional decline, yet to date, no medical professionals have spoken out about the cause or offered help.

Bill ClintonNot a single one—not one bypass surgeon, cardiologist or psychiatrist—has stepped forward in his defense; even though all of them are trained to recognize "post bypass surgery cognitive dysfunction." One of the best-kept secrets in medicine is the brain damage caused during bypass surgery. During my 40 years of medical practice I have never heard a doctor warn a patient before bypass surgery that an expected complication is memory loss. After surgery when the family complains of dad’s fits of anger, I have never heard a doctor admit that personality change is a common consequence of surgery. Yet these well-recognized side effects have been reported in medical journals since 1969.1

Brain damage during bypass surgery is so common that hospital personnel refer to it as "pump head." The primary cause is emboli produced during surgery from clamping the aorta and from the "heart-lung machine." This machine pumps blood to keep the patient alive while the heart is stopped during the operation. Unfortunately, this pump also introduces toxic gases, fat globules, and bits of plastic debris into the bloodstream of the patient under anesthesia. Once they are in the bloodstream, these particles migrate to the brain where they can clog capillaries and prevent adequate amounts of blood and oxygen from flowing to the brain. Essentially, all patients experience brain emboli during surgery and for many the damage is permanent.

In 2001, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that 5-years after bypass surgery 42% of patients showed decline in mental function of approximately 20 percent or more.2 A study published this year (2008) in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery using MRI testing just after bypass surgery found brain damage in 51% of patients.3 Three years after their time on the bypass pump, significant permanent reduction in mental capacity was identified in 31% of patients. I am not talking major stroke here; but these patients can't remember names or numbers as they once did, experience sleep disturbances (including nightmares), suffer mood swings, and lose intellectual acuity. Approximately 30 percent of people suffer persistent depression and some even contemplate suicide.

Our former president needs our understanding and support. A simple explanation by his doctors of the cause of his recent aberrant behaviors should bring peace of mind to Hillary and her campaign staff. If Mr. Clinton better understood his current limitations, he and his staff could take precautionary steps to avoid embarrassments. A long-overdue explanation would help his adoring public more easily accept his mistakes and readily forgive him. It is not your fault, Mr. Clinton.

As importantly, public recognition of the harm done to Bill Clinton by the heart surgery business would help the patients who undergo bypass surgery, and their families, to better understand similar changes they have experienced. A little attention from the media could also shine some light on the lack of survival benefits from this $90,000 procedure performed nearly half-a-million times annually in the US, and the superior benefits coming from diet and lifestyle changes.

I am saddened to see our former president suffer from public humiliation, but I am disgraced that my profession has thus far failed to come forward with a long over-due explanation and an apology to the Clintons and our nation for the harm they have done and the secrets they have kept.

John McDougall, MD

1) Hill JD, Aguilar MJ, Baranco A, de Lanerolle P, Gerbode F. Neuropathological manifestations of cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 1969 May;7(5):409-19.

2) Newman MF, Kirchner JL, Phillips-Bute B, Gaver V, Grocott H, Jones RH, Mark DB, Reves JG, Blumenthal JA; Longitudinal assessment of neurocognitive function after coronary-artery bypass surgery. N Engl J Med. 2001 Feb 8;344(6):395-402.9 Link » (pdf)

3) Knipp SC, Matatko N, Wilhelm H, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Lösch C, Diener HC, Jakob H. Cognitive outcomes three years after coronary artery bypass surgery: relation to diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008 Mar;85(3):872-9.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Question of Soy

A very common question I am asked is"what about Soy? " And to endeavour to assist you in finding a definitive answer if you too are asking that question, I am posting the following article with all its links.

The Evidence Against Soy

soy, dow chemical, dupont, myth, health food, fermentedDow Chemical and DuPont, the same corporations that brought misery and death to millions around the world through Agent Orange, are now the driving forces behind the promotion of soy as a food for humans. They are financing anti-meat and anti-milk campaigns aimed largely at those concerned about animal welfare and the environment, trying to convince them that imitations such as "soymilk" are not only healthier than the real thing, but better for the earth too.

There is no evidence that consuming soy products can improve health, reduce environmental degradation or slow global warming. In fact, the evidence suggests quite the opposite.

The studies below regarding the effects of soy on health are eye-opening, particularly the review by the American Heart Association -- which no longer supports the health claims about soy endorsed by the U.S. government.

Overall risks and benefits of soy assessed

Latest review by American Heart Association

Soy inhibits iron absorption

Poor iron bioavailability

Poor calcium bioavailability

Calcium and zinc absorbed better from milk than from soy -- even without phytates

Soy provides no benefits with respect to heart disease risk

Soy causes bladder cancer

Soy isoflavones during pregnancy increase breast cancer risk in female offspring

High levels of cadmium in soy formula

Soy linked to peanut allergy and increased risk for asthma

Whole milk vs. soy beverage -- asthma risk

Persistent sexual arousal syndrome associated with increased soy intake

Genistein: Does it prevent or promote breast cancer?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Farm Update

As our regular visitors to the farm are aware, we are continually working to up-grade the facilities at the farm to make them more and more user friendly. At the very early stages we commenced with just a caravan in a shed with an earthen floor, and an earth toilet, bucketing water by hand each day for our vegetable garden. With a limited income, time and energy, our progress was, of necessity, slow, commencing as we did with virgin bush country which required to be cleared before anything at all could be achieved. A kind friend being aware of our predicament, provided us with our first pump, powered by a petrol/kerosene motor which served us well for the first years. And so we have progressed over the years, using, whenever possible the timber off the farm and recycled windows and doors and whatever else we could procure to supply our needs.

The original doors in our units were recycled from a clients house which was in the process of being re-furbished, and which our client had intended taking to the tip. They served us well for nigh on thirty years, although being a continual concern to our clients, and ourselves as often our clients would forget to latch them when open, which meant the possibility of the glass being broken if caught by the wind, an occurrence which fortunately was rather rare. To overcome this source of concern we have now replaced them with sliding doors. We also took the opportunity to replace the casement windows alongside them with louvres to give better ventilation, the results of which you may see below.

The clearing and re-planting of the orchard continues apace, with each day progress being made in this area. The neighbours cattle have been causing us some problems which we are addressing slowly, as they only seem to arrive in the wee hours of the morning when sleep is the order of the day. Nevertheless we are truly thankful that the damage they have caused is minimal, as well as at the same time supplying us with a certain amount of organic fertliser. To say the least, we are truly blessed.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Anti-biotic Link to Cerebral Palsy

Antibiotics: Link to cerebral palsy in children

If you’re pregnant, you will probably be offered an antibiotic as part of routine ‘just-in-case’ procedure. And, if you are, you’re advised to refuse the drug, according to a new study.

Antibiotics are routinely given in order to reduce the possibility of premature labour and to fight any possible infection.
But researchers who followed-up seven years later on mothers who had routine antibiotic while pregnant discovered their children were more likely to suffer some sight or hearing impairment, or had cerebral palsy.

Researchers from the University of Leicester tracked 4,221 women who had been given either erythromycin or amoxicillin while pregnant, or had been given a placebo. In all, the researchers were able to take a health assessment of 3,196 children. Of these, 658 children hose mothers had been given an antibiotic suffered some functional impairment compared with 574 children whose mothers were in the placebo group.

In light of these findings, doctors in the UK have been advised to stop the practice other than for cases where antibiotics are genuinely needed.
(Source: The Lancet, 2008; DOI: 10.1016/SO140-6736 (08) 61203-9).

Story from WDDTY:

Published: 18/09/2008 12:33:00 GMT


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Food Irradiation


Although this article is about what is happening in the USA, it is quite possible, and highly probable, that a similar scenario is unfolding, or already occurring, wherever you happen to live in the world. It is already happening with some imported foods in Australia, with very little public awareness.


FDA Plots to Mislead Consumers Over Irradiated Foods

by Mike Adams (see all articles by this author)

(NaturalNews) NaturalNews has learned that the FDA is intentionally plotting to deceive consumers over the labeling of irradiated foods, attempting to eliminate any requirement for informative labeling or replace the word "irradiated" with "pasteurized."

In a feature story published by NaturalNews yesterday, we stated that the FDA does not require foods to be labeled as irradiated. We received a lot of questions from readers about that point, with some stating the FDA does, in fact, require foods to be labeled when irradiated. This is not always correct: Most foods are not required to be labeled as irradiated. This story explains the FDA's food irradiation labeling policy in more detail and reveals the FDA's plot to deceive consumers by misleading them into thinking irradiated foods are NOT irradiated.

Foods that are exempt from irradiation labeling

According to current FDA regulations, any food used as an ingredient in another food does NOT have to be labeled as irradiated. For example, if you buy coleslaw, and the cabbage in the coleslaw has been irradiated, there is no requirement that the coleslaw carry any labeling indicating it has been irradiated.

However, if raw cabbage is irradiated, then current FDA regulations do require it to carry an irradiation label. This label, however, is a symbol, not text, and many consumers have no idea what the symbol really means -- it actually looks like a "fresh" symbol of some sort. In no way does it clearly indicate the food has been irradiated. This is the FDA's way to "hide" the fact that these foods have been irradiated. (The symbol looks a lot more like leaves under the sun than food being irradiated...)

That same head of cabbage, by the way, if served in a restaurant, requires absolutely no irradiation labeling. All restaurant foods are excused from any irradiation labeling requirement. As stated at the FDA's own website (1):

Irradiation labeling requirements apply only to foods sold in stores. For example, irradiated spices or fresh strawberries should be labeled. When used as ingredients in other foods, however, the label of the other food does not need to describe these ingredients as irradiated. Irradiation labeling also does not apply to restaurant foods.

How the FDA plans to deceive consumers and further hide the fact that foods are being irradiated

As stated above, the FDA does not want consumers to realize their foods are being irradiated. Consumer awareness is considered undesirable by the FDA; an agency that also works hard to censor truthful statements about nutritional supplements and functional foods. Accordingly, the FDA pursues a policy of enforced ignorance of consumers regarding irradiated foods, nutritional supplements, medicinal herbs and all sorts of natural substances. It is currently illegal in the United States to state that cherries help ease arthritis inflammation if you are selling cherries. (

On the food irradiation issue, the FDA is now proposing two things that are nothing short of astonishing in their degree of deceit:

FDA proposal #1: Irradiated foods shouldn't be labeled as irradiated unless consumers can visibly tell they're irradiated.

This ridiculous proposal by the FDA suggests that foods shouldn't be labeled as irradiated unless there is some obvious material damage to the foods (like their leaves are wilting). Thus, foods that don't appear to be irradiated should not have to be labeled as irradiated.

Imagine if this same ridiculous logic were used to regulate heavy metals content in foods: If consumers can't SEE the heavy metals, then they should be declared free of heavy metals!

FDA proposal #2: Irradiated foods should be labeled as "pasteurized," not "irradiated."

This FDA proposal is so bizarre that it makes you wonder whether the people working at the FDA are smoking crystal meth. They literally want irradiated foods to be labeled as "pasteurized."

And why? Because the word "pasteurized" sounds a lot more palatable to consumers, of course. Never mind the fact that it's a lie. Irradiated foods are not pasteurized, and pasteurized foods are not irradiated. These two words mean two different things, which is precisely why they each have their own entries in the dictionary. When you look up "irradiated," it does not say, "See pasteurized."

But the FDA is now playing the game of thought police by manipulating the public with screwy word replacement games that bear a strange resemblance to the kind of language used in the novel 1984 by George Orwell. And it is, indeed, an Orwellian kind of mind game that the FDA wants to play with the food supply: After unleashing Weapons of Mass Destruction (radiation) onto the foods, the FDA wants to label them all as simply being "pasteurized," keeping consumers ignorant and uninformed.

How do I know the FDA wants to do this? The agency said so itself in an April 4, 2007 document filed in the Federal Register (Volume 72, Number 64). As published in the document (2):

FDA is also proposing to allow a firm to petition FDA for use of an alternate term to "irradiation'' (other than "pasteurized''). In addition, FDA is proposing to permit a firm to use the term "pasteurized'' in lieu of "irradiated,'' provided it notifies the agency that the irradiation process being used meets the criteria specified for use of the term "pasteurized'' in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) and the agency does not object to the notification.

Did you follow all that mind-warping logic? The FDA is essentially begging a company to petition it to use the term "pasteurized" instead of "irradiated" as long as they both result in the food being killed. Once it receives such a petition, it will approve it, claiming it is meeting "the needs of industry."

The FDA already allows lots of word substitutions in the areas of health and medicine. The phrase "Toxic Poison" has been replaced with "Chemotherapy," for example. "Over-medicated with dangerous psychiatric drugs" has been replaced with the term, "Treatment." And the phrase, "Regulated with life-threatening synthetic chemicals" has been replaced with the word "managed," as in "her diabetes has been managed."

So why not introduce all sorts of other word substitutions that might continue the Orwellian "Ministry of Language" propaganda put forth by the FDA?

I say we substitute the word "medicated" with "treated" and "treated" with "rewarded." That way, when a patient describes what drugs she's on, she can say, "I've been rewarded with ten different prescriptions!"

Better yet, let's replace the word "surgery" with "enhancement." So anybody who undergoes heart bypass surgery, for example, can say they've really just had "Heart bypass enhancement!"

It sounds a lot easier to swallow, doesn't it? And that's what it's all about, folks, when it comes to irradiating the food supply: Making it all sounds a lot less treacherous than it really is. Control the words and you control people's ideas, and if there's one thing the tyrannical FDA is really, really good at, it's controlling words!

What the FDA really wants to accomplish

Let's get down to some blunt truth about the FDA's real genocidal agenda. What the FDA wants here is two things:

1) The destruction of the food supply (genocide)
2) The complete ignorance of the consuming public (nutritional illiteracy)

Genocide and illiteracy. Ignorance and fear. Tyranny, radiation and chemicals... These are the things the FDA truly stands for.

That pretty much sums up the FDA's intent on this whole food irradiation issue. Destroy the food and mislead the People. And then wait for the windfall of profits at Big Pharma as the People degenerate into a mass of diseased, disoriented and desperate health patients. It's business as usual at the FDA.

That's why Dr. James Duke, creator of the world's largest phytochemical database (, had this to say about the FDA's food irradiation policy:

"Perhaps the FDA should call up a billion dollar team to consider irradiating another health hazard - the FDA itself, which is almost as dangerous to our health as the pharmaceutical industry."

Why I call this the unleashing of "Weapons of Mass Destruction"

In my previous article on this issue, I've called this food irradiation agenda a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" against the food supply. A couple of readers questioned me about that. Why, they asked, do I consider food irradiation to be a WMD?

WMDs include weapons that indiscriminately cause damage to people and infrastructure that serves the People. Dumping a radioactive substance into the water supply that serves a major city, for example, would be considered using a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Interestingly, the use of Depleted Uranium by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan is also an example of Weapons of Mass Destruction, making the U.S. guilty of yet more crimes against humanity. (A previous example is the dropping of nuclear weapons on Japan's civilian population in World War II.)

Irradiating the food supply is also an application of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and here's a thought experiment that will clearly demonstrate it:

Suppose you wanted to irradiate your own garden vegetables. The minute you start trying to buy a machine that produces radiation, you would be quickly considered a terrorist and investigated by the FBI. They would visit your home and ask, "Why do you need a radiation machine?" And if you said you needed to irradiate your garden vegetables, they would look at you like you were completely nuts and probably haul you into the local FBI field office for yet more questioning, all while considering you a possible terrorist and likely adding your name to the no-fly list so you could never travel on commercial airlines.

If you don't believe me, try to acquire a high-powered radiation emitting device and see what happens...

So why is it considered bizarre and possibly criminal when an individual buys a radiation machine to irradiate their own foods, but when the FDA pushes the same agenda on a larger scale, they call it "safety?"

Irradiated food isn't altered, claims the FDA

Of course, the FDA says the irradiated food isn't altered by the radiation. This statement is an insult to the intelligence of anyone with a pulse. Why? Because if the radiation doesn't alter anything, then how can it kill e.coli and salmonella?

The whole point of the radiation is to kill living organisms. And it works by causing fatal damage to the tissues and DNA of those microorganisms. So guess what it does to the plants? Since radiation isn't selective, it also irradiates the plant fibers and tissues, causing DNA damage and the destruction of enzymes and phytochemicals.

Amazingly, the FDA claims this does not count as "altering" the food because these changes aren't visible.

If it weren't such a nutritional atrocity, it would be downright hilarious. DNA changes are not visible to the human eye, but they can result in serious health consequences. Just ask anyone born with two Y chromosomes.

Eat up, guinea pigs!

Of course, the radiation pushers will claim that nobody really knows whether irradiating the food kills just 1% of the phytochemicals or 99% (or something in between). And they don't know what the long-term effect is on human health, either. This is exactly my point: The irradiation of fresh produce is a dangerous experiment, and we've all been involuntarily recruited as guinea pigs.

I will be curious to see a serious scientific inquiry into the nutritional damage caused to fresh produce by irradiation. I also find it simply astonishing that this decision by the FDA has been made in the absence of such scientific studies. Much like it does with the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA prefers to poison the people first, and then figure out later just how much damage might have been caused.

I say when you're dealing with the food supply, you should err on the side of caution. We are talking about the health of the nation here. This is not a small matter. It should be treated with extreme caution, skepticism and scientific scrutiny. Instead, it is being addressed with a gung-ho attitude framed in mind games and enforced ignorance.

In other words, rather than figuring out whether food irradiation is actually safe, the FDA would rather simply pretend it is.

Welcome to Make Believe Land, where all your food is now safe and nutritious, courtesy of the FDA!





Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Exposure to Sunlight Beneficial

Goodbye Cancer, Hello Sun Exposure?

Watch this short 5-minute presentation of Dr. Mercola interviewing expert Dr. William Grant, internationally recognized research scientist and vitamin D expert. You'll discover how easily a million cancer deaths could be prevented each year worldwide -- just by the simple use of sunlight. Plus, why MORE of those living at higher, less sunny latitudes die from cancer...

Dr. Grant, whose background is in atmospheric sciences, has applied the ecologic approach to the study of dietary and environmental links to chronic disease. He has worked at the level of senior research scientist at such notable institutions as SRI International, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the NASA Langley Research Center.

More recently, Dr. Grant has uncovered exciting potential for the use of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of a number of high-incidence cancers found in Western populations. He is the director of the Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center (SUNARC), an entity devoted to research, education, and advocacy relating to the prevention of chronic disease through changes in diet and lifestyle.

Dr. Grant has also authored or coauthored over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, edited two books of reprints, and contributed half a dozen chapters to other books.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Letter From the Past

From time to time I receive a letter from those who stayed at the farm some twenty, thirty, or more years ago, informing me of how much they benefitted from their stay, and how they have fared in the meantime. Here is one such letter which I reproduce with full permission of its author:

Dear John, Thank you for sending me the inspiring emails. It was a delight to meet you again after so many years. How did those 30 years fly! My original journey to your lovely farm, with my partner, Peter Avison (a New Zealand artist) will always stay as a precious memory and I have passed on all the wonderful things about diet and life style I learnt there at Clohsey River to my own children, who were brought up on an excellent diet of homegrown fruit and veg, organic raw milk and the occaissional free range roast chook!!They are fabulously healthy adults and have produced some very beautiful grandchildren for me to enjoy and love.

I hope this finds you well and happy and well and truely loved.

May you always be surrounded with love, equanimity and bright sparky friendly people.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fruits of Our Labour - Farm Up-date

These are the vegetables that Issy and I planted when she was visiting earlier this year. As can well be seen they are like Topsy, and have just grown and grown.

In the recent years we have taken to growing our vegetabls in these raised gardens in cut down old water and molasses tanks. This achieves two main objectives, the first of which is to protect them from the bandicoots which dig them up in search for worms. The second is to protect them from grazing animals, such as wallabies and kangaroos, as well as the neighbours cattle. And surprising as it may seem, that although these animals could easily reach them if they wished to, as they graze at ground level, they do not seem to notice our succulent vegetables at this higher level, and are thus protected.

Here are some photos of some of our trees which are now flowering and/or setting their first crop of fruit, which in the case of the citrus tree will be available to harvest about this time next year. And in the case of the mangoes it will be from just prior to Xmas till February.

This is a Tangerine.

The Pomelo, a giant tropical grapefruit, comes, as with the other varieties of grapefruit, in both pink and white, and to my palate, much tastier.This tree has already set its fruit, and as can be seen, is loaded with clusters of fruit.

This is the pineapple guava, and it too is flowering profusely. As any gardener will know, this does not necessarily presage a good setting of fruit, or a large crop, as this is dependant upon many factors, prime amongst them are the necessary insects and bees for pollination to occur. Ants also can play their part in this very important phase.

The mandarine tree promises also to provide us with quite a substantial crop for such a small tree.

We see here the first of the mango crop to be setting. For it to be successful in the setting of its fruit, the mango tree not only requires as I mentioned earlier for the other trees, the presence of bees, insects, and perhaps ants, but weather which is not rainy, as the rain can wash out the pollen and stop the setting of the fruit. It also requires weather which is not too windy as the wind also can effect the setting, by blowing the flowers from the tree.

For all the trees and plants, another very important factor that is necessary to ensure a successful crop, is soil moisture, for if there is insufficient moisture, then the trees will either drop their crop, and/or even though it is set, it may well shrivel and dry up on the tree.

Another very important factor to be considered, if we wish to have food which is both tasty and nutritious, bearing in mind also that flavour is very closely connected with nutitional content. For food which is low in nutritional value, usually has poor flavour, even to the point of no flavour. Or as is the case with many vegetables, bitter in flavour.

As a closing comment, I would like to point out that we have very little problem, if any, with insects or slugs etc., attacking our vegetables, a situation which we claim is due to our method of farming, which is purely organic, in which we use only natural fertlisers, and mulches and do not dig, with no artficials, or poisonous sprays. It is only when the weather conditions become too inclement for their growth, such as being too hot, or wet, that problems may occur.