Saturday, October 29, 2016


Australia to hunt down anti-vax nurses and prosecute them for disobeying the medical police state (Hunted Down By The Queen’s Men)

While countries like Australia demonize other nations for their lack of progressiveness, recent developments suggest that its government is taking away people’s freedom to think for themselves, slowly but surely chipping away at those who have dissenting opinions. The evidence?
The newly released vaccination standards provided by The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia in response to what the organization described as, “a small number of nurses and midwives promoting anti-vaccination via social media.”
In their statement, they wrote that the board was merely taking the time to make its expectations in regards to vaccination and vaccination advice very clear to registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives.
“The board expects all registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives to use the best available evidence in making practice decisions.”
This sentiment might have been acceptable, if it wasn’t coupled with the organization also prompting people to tattle on each other.
You see, the board is also urging members of the public to come forward and report nurses and midwives who may be expounding anti-vaccination beliefs. Surely anyone who goes against the grain deserves to be punished?
If the medical industry was as strictly regulated as it purports itself to be, perhaps so many people wouldn’t be dying each year from medical errors.
An estimated 18,000 to 54,000 people in Australia lose their lives to medical mistakes each year –
but the industry continues to insist that its those pesky thoughts that are really putting people in jeopardy.
How dare anyone want to help people and think for themselves at the same time?
In their statement, the board noted that any reports will not be taken lightly. “The board will consider whether the nurse or midwife has breached their professional obligations and will treat these matters seriously.”
To make matters worse, not only will these brave nurses and midwives be reported by people who may once have been their friends or colleagues, but the promotion of what the government deems “misleading or deceptive information” is a serious offense.
And boy, will they take it seriously. Under national law, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency is able to prosecute anyone who commits such an act.
While we all know that the true deception lies in the promotion of vaccines as a public health necessity, we also know that mainstream medicine will do anything to protect their precious immunizations.
Dr. Hannah Dahlen, a professor of midwifery at the University of Western Sydney and the spokeswoman for the Australian College of Midwives, told The Guardian that nurses and midwives are respected individuals who play an important role in society, and that she believes that people take their advice quite seriously.
She went on to say, “I agree that they have a very serious obligation to provide the best available evidence, and it is of course concerning that some are taking to social media in order to express a position not backed by science.”
But are concerns about what’s in vaccines really not backed by science? Many people might say that continuing to ignore the evidence that there are horrible toxins like glyphosate and mercury in vaccines is what goes against science.
In a rather ironic statement, Dahlen declared, “The worry is the confirmation bias that can occur, because people might say: ‘There you go, this is proof that you can’t even have an alternative opinion.’ It might in fact just give people more fuel for their belief systems.”
Legislating dissenting opinions into extinction, and persecuting those who are raising awareness about a very real problem is proof that alternative opinions are not allowed.
That’s really all there is to it; it’s biased, unjust and frankly, more befitting of the very governments Australia speaks out against.

Friday, October 28, 2016 by: Vicki Batts

Friday, October 21, 2016

Heart Disease

Sugar industry paid researchers to say fats cause heart disease

For nearly 50 years, saturated fats were seen as the main culprits behind heart disease, and the discovery of some old research papers has revealed why: the sugar industry was paying scientists to say so. 
Sugar was suspected to cause heart disease in the 1960s, but the Sugar Association threw everyone off the scent by paying the equivalent of $50,000 to three Harvard scientists for a review that minimized the link between sugar and heart disease and, instead, pointed the finger at saturated fats.  
The seminal paper, published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1967, influenced government health policy and was instrumental in launching the low-fat foods industry. 
But the whole thing was a scam, paid for by the sugar industry, as documents uncovered by a researcher at the University of California at San Francisco have revealed. 

One of the Harvard scientists paid by the sugar industry was D. Mark Hegsted, who went on to become head of nutrition at the US Department of Agriculture and who drafted the dietary guidelines for the US in 1977. 
The paper was initiated by John Hickson, a prominent sugar-industry executive, who wanted to deflect the blame away from sugar onto saturated fats, which was in line with the theories of Ancel Keys, who falsified research to demonstrate that saturated fats raised cholesterol levels which, in turn, cause cardiovascular disease. 
(JAMA Intern Med, 2016; doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.5394)

For more up to date news about your health:

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


As you, my readers ,will have noted, some of the articles I have endeavoured to reproduce for your information have not re-produced in their entirety. For which I profoundly apologise.

In an endeavour to overcome this problem, I have chosen to list the source, so that you may then read this article in full, on Cancer.

Wishing you every success.

Root Canals and Cancer etc.

Know the facts about root canals and their link to cancer

Root canals
(NaturalNews) Dentists everywhere perform them as a way of removing potentially life-threatening infections from their patients' teeth. But root canals aren't the surefire fix that many people think they are, as they not only cause many of the same infections that they supposedly remedy, but research shows that they also significantly increase one's risk of developing cancer later in life.

Much of it has to do with the structure of teeth and the invasive way that endodontic treatments disrupt the many miles' worth of canals that already exist within them. Removing the infected pulp from a tooth renders that tooth "dead," leaving it prone to further infections that, in some cases, end up being worse than the infection that was removed.

This is one of the biggest concerns with root canals, another being the growing body of research which suggests that many of the most common chronic health conditions from which people today suffer likely stem from folks having previously had root canals. Experts like the late Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist himself, observed this in many of his own patients.

After hypothesizing that root canals might be silent killers linked to all sorts of health problems, Dr. Price decided to conduct experiments on rabbits using infected teeth, which led him to conclude that teeth with root canals do, indeed, harbor disease-causing bacteria. Root-canaled teeth, he found out, almost always remain infected.

Root canals don't sterilize teeth

One of the purported benefits of root canals is that they sterilize and seal compromised teeth in order to prevent further infection. But one of Dr. Price's discoveries was that root-canaled teeth can't actually be sterilized. This means that they continue to harbor bacteria and viruses that, in most cases, result in conditions of the heart and circulatory system.

There's even been a correlation found between root canals and damage to the central nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Many pathologies seem to have a link to root canals, which Dr. Price outlined extensively in two books he wrote back in the 1920s – work that for many decades was withheld from public purview.

The American Dental Association (ADA) insists that root canals are safe, but it has never released any scientific evidence as proof to back this unsubstantiated claim.

Root canals promote anaerobic bacterial infections

Because they cut off all oxygen to teeth, root canals are also antagonists when it comes to provoking infections by anaerobic bacteria, i.e. infections that thrive in environments where no oxygen is present. Anaerobic bacteria are especially problematic because they can take years to show symptoms, and these symptoms are often non-specific, resulting in generalized damage to the immune system.

Naturally, a weakened immune system acts as an invitation for all sorts of health conditions to emerge, which is why it's often difficult to trace their cause to root canals. But enough is known about how root canals work to safely conclude that they're a recipe for chronic and underlying infections that are difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate without having the entire tooth extracted.

This is why it's so important to take care of your teeth by brushing regularly and flossing, as well as keeping your mouth flourishing with beneficial bacteria that help fight off the harmful kind. Oil pulling is another great way to stay one step ahead in preventing the type of decay that leads to root canals in the first place.

Sources for this article include:

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Sunday, October 9, 2016

ROW Lecture Tour 2016 - Canada & USA

Unfortunately I became so carried away with my travel arrangements, and socialising, that my time in North America was a time when I completely forgot to take many photos. The few that I did remember to take only give a very limited view and I sincerely apologise for my slackness.

My plane journey from the UK to Canada terminated in Toronto, which I have written quite extensively about on earlier blogs. This time I travelled upon arrival, to the nearby centre of Guelph at which there is a University that my grandson has been attending as an exchange student to complete his Masters degree in Business Management. Fortunately I did remember to take a few photos on this occasion.

This is a photo of my grandson holding his son.

Upon leaving Guelph, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to travel by car to Niagara Falls, prior to catching the Greyhound bus to Cleveland in the US. This is the entrance in Niagara Falls to the Thai Buddhis Centre.

After speaking to a group in Cleveland, I then traveled to Toronto to another group, than flew out to Atlanta in Georgia.

After my arrival in Atlanta, Georgia, my host Nancy and I had the pleasure of visiting with Dr Paul Goldberg and his wife, Bianca, at his nearby retreat.

During our visit we had the pleasure of sharing a raw food luncheon with Dr Golberg and his wife.

The Pill and Depression


 › News › 2016 › October › The Pill raises risk of depression, especially in teenagers › October 2016

The Pill raises risk of depression, especially in teenagers

The latest issue of WDDTY magazine highlights some of the dangers of the Pill—and a new study confirms it needs to be taken with caution. It raises the risk of depression, with teenage girls being the most vulnerable: they are 80 per cent more likely to be taking an antidepressant as well.
The greatest risk seems to be with the combined oral contraceptive—containing a mixture of hormones—which is the most commonly-prescribed version of the Pill. Women taking the combined Pill were 25 per cent more likely also to be taking an antidepressant, but the risk rose to 80 per cent among teenage girls aged from 15 to 19.
The risk has been highlighted in a major research study, involving more than one million Danish women aged between 15 and 34. On average, the women were 23 per cent more likely to suffer from depression than those not taking the Pill, and were taking an antidepressant for the first time.
The risk rose to 34 per cent in those taking progestin-only pills, which use synthetic progesterone, and it doubled for women using contraceptive patches.
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen suspect that progesterone may be to blame for the depression as previous studies have shown it has a negative effect on mood, especially during the menstrual cycle. In particular, it may interfere with the nervous system.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Vaccination programme as a criminal racket

Russias Ministry of Health has apparently carried out an investigation into the Wests vaccination programmes and concluded they are a self-perpetuating criminal racket with adverse reactions being hidden, and academics being paid to endorse the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dental Amalgalm Fillings

This report from WDTTY is of such importance for those of us seeking to obtain and maintain the highest level of health possible, that I am reproducing it here.

 › News › 2016 › October › Dental amalgam fillings aren’t safe—they leak mercury into our blood stream, say researchers › October 2016

Dental amalgam fillings aren’t safe—they leak mercury into our blood stream, say researchers

Mercury from amalgam dental fillings isn’t safe--it enters the bloodstream and affects the major organs, such as the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs and the immune system itself, a major new study has confirmed.
People with eight or more fillings are at the greatest risk of major organ damage; they have 150 per cent more mercury in their blood than someone who doesn’t have any fillings. In the US, 25 per cent of the population has 11 or more fillings.
But the risk exists for everyone with mercury fillings, say researchers from the University of Georgia. Our gut transforms the mercury into methyl mercury, the most lethal form of the heavy metal, and other research has shown it can cause damage to the organs even at low levels.
Dental amalgam—which is 50 per cent mercury—has been used as the standard filling material for 150 years, and the dental associations have always maintained it is safe, and doesn’t enter the blood stream.
But when the researchers analysed blood samples from 14,703 adults in the US, they discovered a connection between the levels of mercury in their blood and the number of amalgam fillings they had. “As toxicologists, we know that mercury is poison, but it all depends on the dose. So, if you have one dental filling, maybe it’s OK. But if you have more than eight dental fillings, the potential risk for adverse effect is higher,” said Xiaozhong Yu, one of the researchers and an assistant professor of environmental health science.
Our mercury levels can also be increased by eating contaminated fish and from our environment.
Amalgam alternatives, such as dental composite resins, are safer and don’t ‘leak’ into the bloodstream, they say.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fruit Eating

I do not always find myself in agreement with the postings of Frederik Patenaude, and when I do, some of his comments may not be in accord with my own personal beliefs. And of course this is to be expected, and bearing this in mind, I am posting the following article by Frederic.


MONDAY OCT 3, 2016 | BY  | 
|No Comments
Woman Comparing Unhealthy Donut And Orange Fruit
Even though fruit has universally been a symbol of healthy eating, many health theories now vilify it.
“Don’t eat too much fruit!”
“Fruit is fine as long as you stick to apples, grapefruit, berries and other fruits with a lower sugar content.”
This way of thinking started with the dangerous low-carb diet, which would like you to believe that eating slabs of butter on top of grilled meat is healthier than eating the natural “sugar” in fruit.
The unscientific anti-fruit trend has also been picked up by some raw food advocates, many of which go to the extreme of saying that eating lots of sweet fruit is unnatural and unhealthy.
Even the Hippocrates Health Institute launched a fear campaign on eating fruit, claiming that fruit eating is responsible for the common health problems experienced by the majority of raw foodists.
So let’s take a look at the most common statements made about fruit, and bust them once and for all.

1- Eating too much fruit will cause blood sugar problems.

Many people think that whenever they eat a lot of sweet fruit, their blood sugar “goes out of wack.” Their interpretation of what is happening to them is often “getting sudden energy, followed by a blood sugar crash.”
In other words, they compare their body’s response to eating fruit to response to stimulants such as alcohol or caffeine: a sudden stimulation followed by a depressed, “recovery” state.
In reality, in a healthy individual, blood sugar will remain stable even if he or she eats a lot of fruit. I have tested this using a blood sugar monitoring device, and I found that it didn’t matter how many bananas I ate, my blood sugar remained normal throughout the day.
Even when I eat more than ten bananas in a day (which I regularly do), my blood sugar stays normal.
Steve Pavlina, a personal development author, did a 30-day trial of a 100%, low-fat, fruit-based raw food diet. During these 30 days, he recorded every single meal he ate. He also monitored his blood sugar, weight, blood pressure and other health stats. Here’s what he has to say about the effects of eating fruit on his blood sugar:
I monitored my blood sugar using a blood sugar testing device; the same kind diabetics may use. It showed no discernible spikes in blood sugar throughout the trial whatsoever — absolutely none. In fact, my blood sugar remained incredibly steady throughout the trial. My highest blood sugar reading of the trial was 94, which is still medium-low. All that sweet fruit in my diet simply did not have any adverse effect on my blood sugar.
Eating this way gave my blood sugar more consistency than ever. I couldn’t spike my blood sugar on this diet if I tried. Even eating 19 bananas in one day made no difference.
The reason that whole fruit does not spike blood sugar in the same way that refined sugar does is that it contains fiber. In addition to fiber, the natural sugars in fruit are in the form of fructose, sucrose, and glucose. Your body will absorb each type sugar at a different speed. Because the various sugars are combined with fiber, even the highest-sugar fruit will release its sugar very slowly.
It’s still possible for some people to experience an adverse reaction from eating sweet fruit. In this case, it’s not the fruit that’s to blame in this case, but their overall diet, which is too high in fat. Dr. Neal Barnard explains the situation in his book “Breaking the Food Seduction.”
“It may surprise you to know that you can actually change your body’s response to any food so that you are better able to handle whatever sugars it might contain. (…)
Marjorie was one of our research volunteers. In a laboratory test, we asked her to drink a syrup containing 75 grams of pure sugar. Taking blood samples over the next two hours, we saw what happened to her blood sugar. (…) It peaked at about thirty minutes, then quickly cascaded downward. That’s a pretty typical pattern. If your blood sugar falls too precipitously, you may be set up for another binge, which is your body’s way of bringing your blood sugar back up again.
Here’s the problem: insulin is the hormone that escorts sugar from your blood stream into the cells of the body. It is like a doorman who turns the knob on the door to each cell, helps sugar go inside, and then closes the door. (…)
But everything changes when you eat fatty foods, or when you gain a significant amount of weight. Insulin can’t work in an oil slick. When there is too much fat in the bloodstream, insulin’s hand slips on the knob. Unable to open the door to the cells, insulin lets sugar build up in the blood. Your body responds by making more and more insulin and eventually it will get the sugar into the cells.
(…) Cutting fat from your meals improves what is called insulin sensitivity, meaning that insulin efficiently escorts sugar into the cells of the body. (…)
With our guidance, Marjorie adjusted her diet to scrupulously cut fat and boost fiber. A few weeks later we repeated the test. She again drank exactly the same sugar solution, but the changes in her blood sugar were very different. Because the low-fat diet had tuned up her insulin, the blood sugar was more muted, the peak was lower, and the fall was gentler than before. (…) In our clinical studies, we have found that simple diet changes alone boost insulin sensitivity by an average of 24 percent, and it can increase even more if you also exercise.”

2- When eating bananas, you risk a potassium “overdose.”

It’s important to make the difference between artificial, supplemental potassium (K), and the naturally occurring potassium in fruits. The FDA does not allow a supplement to contain more than 99 mg. of potassium. But three bananas contain up to 1,200 mg of natural potassium, which will not cause any negative symptoms.
There’s no point to fear any potassium “overdose” even when eating a fair number of bananas.
Research done on wild monkeys showed that they eat over 6500 milligrams of potassium per day. It would take you over 15 bananas to eat as much potassium as they do.
The current RDAs for potassium are to get a minimum of 4500 mg. a day. Less than 2% of Americans even get the recommended minimum adequate intake of 4,700 a day.
Even eating ten bananas provides slightly LESS than this RDA!
I light of this; I do not understand the fear of potassium in bananas.
In reality, bananas don’t even make the top 50 sources of foods highest in potassium. The idea that bananas are one of the richest sources of potassium is an urban legend.

3- Fruit sugar feeds cancer.

The theory tossed around by some health authors is that since cancer cells feed on sugar, cancer patients should avoid fruit to make sure those cells don’t grow out of control.
However, the overwhelming evidence finds fruit eating associated with a reduced incidence of cancer. The American Cancer Society also recommends increasing fruit consumption.
Eating fruit doesn’t “feed” cancer more than it causes it. There’s not a single scientific study that has linked sweet fruit consumption to an increased incidence or growth of cancer.
All that the research might suggest is that eating glucose and fructose in the form of refined sugar or high-fructose syrup is unhealthy and could even contribute to cancer growth. This has nothing to do with eating fruit.

4 — Today’s fruits are too hybridized and contain too much sugar.

We often hear the claim that “modern” fruit contains too much sugar, as opposed to the low-sugar wild fruits.The critics of fruit tend to view the cultivars and varieties that are available today as “unnatural.” Their claim is that the artificial hybridization of fruit creates an inferior product that is too high in sugar and too low in minerals.
It’s entirely possible that on average, cultivated fruits contain more sugar than wild fruits.
As we moved away from a hunter-gatherer type of lifestyle to a more agricultural one, we have selected the varieties that we preferred. Many wild fruits, left on their own, didn’t evolve with the qualities that we naturally seek (such as sweetness).
However, not to say that all wild fruit is sour and low in sugar. I have tasted various types of completely unknown fruits in my travels. Many of them were quite sweet and tasty. For example, in Brazil, I tried at least five different fruits that I had never seen before — all of which grew 100% wild. The sweetness was comparable to a sweet white peach.
But even if it were true that commercial fruits contain more sugar than wild ones, the real question is: does it contain too much?
One author points out that “hybridized” fruit acts like processed sugar in the body. This author does not explain how but says that over-consumption of such fruits can lead to dehydration and a slightly diabetic situation.
All of the symptoms that many people blame on hybridized, sweet fruit are clearly attributable to the very high-fat diet that is so common in the raw food world.
As for the issue of hybridization, I find it funny that many of these authors would like us to stop eating “hybridized” bananas, carrots and grapes while recommending avocados, sweet potatoes, and kale — all of which are equally hybridized.
The truth is that almost every commonly available fruit OR vegetable is unrecognizable from its wild counterpart.
A complete return to the wild would mean eating bitter celery, ridiculously sour oranges and mushy and tasteless watermelon. You would have to forgo eating almonds, avocados, and practically any other food on your table!

5 — Tropical fruits are too high on the glycemic index

Another strange recommendation is to avoid certain fruits because they are too high on the glycemic index. The culprits are the high-sugar, tropic fruits such as bananas and mangoes.
What is the glycemic index? It’s a table which describes the average response in blood sugar after the ingestion of a fixed portion of carbohydrate.
Now how is this average created? By averaging the data collected by a certain number of human subjects.
Therefore, this index is unreliable because the blood sugar response to food eaten will vary tremendously from one individual to the next, and even from day to day.
Many factors will influence your blood sugar response from any particular food, including general fitness levels, physical activity on any given day, insulin sensitivity, age, body fat levels, and more.
By the way, even on this index, almost every fruit is listed as “low” to “moderate” on the index.

6 — Fruit Causes Dental Decay

It’s legitimate to worry about the possible effects of a diet high in sweet fruit on your dental health. To answer this question, we have to first understand the cause of dental decay: a proliferation of certain types of bacteria in the oral environment. As we know, these bacteria will feed on carbohydrates and produce acid by-products, which will eat into the enamel, causing decay.
In a healthy individual, sweet fresh fruits such as oranges, bananas and peaches will not cause decay because of the fiber and water in the fruit, which will naturally cleanse the teeth. On the other hand, dried fruits and nuts can be a disaster on the teeth because they tend to form a sticky paste that is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
But if someone a history of dental problems (even just one cavity), there can be potential dangers to introducing greater quantities of carbohydrates in the diet.
The solution is obviously to deal with the problem at its root by stopping the proliferation of the bacteria. To know more about this, please consult my eBook “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters,” available here.
If you pay attention to some simple dental hygiene rules, the consumption of fresh fruit will not result in dental decay, as long as you avoid dried fruits such as figs and dates or immediately brush your teeth after eating them.
As for the acidity in fruit and its effects on the enamel, I have a few tips:
Only eat acid fruits once a day, and not every day. Acidic fruits include oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, and pineapples.
If you eat more than one fruit meal per day, make one of those meal of fruit with little or no acidity, such as bananas, figs or persimmons.
Rinse your mouth with water after eating acidic fruits.

7 — Eating only fruits will lead to dangerous deficiencies

If you were to eat fruit only, and stay within the guidelines of a low-fat diet, you would not develop any deficiencies as long as you consumed enough to meet your caloric needs. You could maintain this diet for months or years and stay in perfect health during that time.
Fruits don’t contain any vitamin B12 and vitamin D, so you would have to include those as supplements. The body can produce vitamin D through sun exposure, but most people don’t get enough that way — and there are some drawbacks to spending too much time in the sun.
It is possible that a complete fruitarian diet will lack minerals that are more abundant in vegetables. But very few people follow a pure fruitarian diet. Most will include vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some cooked foods.
But what about the sugar in fruit?
The thinking is that because sweet fruit contains simple sugars those sugars should be limited in the same way we should limit refined sugar.
First of all, most of the diseases that people associate with sugar consumption are caused or exacerbated by a high-fat diet. For example, conditions such as candida, hypoglycemia and diabetes would not occur if on a low-fat diet, even if your diet contained some refined sugar.
Secondly, the natural sugar found in fruit is not exactly comparable to the refined sugar found in a cake. It’s in a form that’s readily digestible, but also comes in a complete package which includes water, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and more.
Finally, you might be wondering “how much fruit sugar is too much?”
The answer to this question is simple: it depends on how many calories you need.
20 bananas a day might sound like too much for an inactive person — and indeed it is. But to a trained athlete burning 5000 calories a day, 20 bananas only represents 40% of their caloric needs!
If you fill up on fruit on top of eating a standard diet, you might be eating “too much fruit” because you are consuming too many calories. The solution to this would not be to cut down on fruit, but rather to eat the fruit first, so you are less hungry and less likely to eat other foods, which are fattening and less healthy.
Another concern is the amount of fructose in fruit.
In a recent article published in the New York Times entitled “Making the Case for Eating Fruit,” some recent research on fruit eating is quoted. From the article:
Dr. David Ludwig, the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, said that sugar consumed in fruit is not linked to any adverse health effects, no matter how much you eat. In a recent perspective piece in The Journal of the American Medical Association, he cited observational studies that showed that increased fruit consumption is tied to lower body weight and a lower risk of obesity-associated diseases.
Fiber provides “its greatest benefit when the cell walls that contain it remain intact,” he said. Sugars are effectively sequestered in the fruit’s cells, he explained, and it takes time for the digestive tract to break down those cells. The sugars therefore enter the bloodstream slowly, giving the liver more time to metabolize them. Four apples may contain the same amount of sugar as 24 ounces of soda, but the slow rate of absorption minimizes any surge in blood sugar. Repeated surges in blood sugar make the pancreas work harder and can contribute to insulin resistance, thereby increasing the risk for Type 2 diabetes.
“If we take a nutrient-centric approach, just looking at sugar grams on the label, none of this is evident,” Dr. Ludwig said. “So it really requires a whole foods view.”
Fruit can also help keep us from overeating, Dr. Ludwig said, by making us feel fuller.
Another nutrition expert, Dr. Robert Lustig, a professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, who has called sugar “toxic” at high doses and fructose the most “actionable” problem in our diet, is still a fan of fruit. “As far as I’m concerned, fiber is the reason to eat fruit,” since it promotes satiety and the slow release of sugar. He adds a third benefit from fiber: it changes our “intestinal flora,” or microbiome, by helping different species of healthy bacteria thrive.

The Fiber in Fruit

I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions from the NYT article on fruit. Fruit sugar is NOT like white sugar or refined fructose because it is bound with fiber. Not only that, but fresh fruit contains many types of sugar (fructose, sucrose, etc.) and two types of fiber (soluble and insoluble). This combination is the reason why fruit sugar is absorbed slowly and doesn’t cause a “rush of sugar to the brain.” In addition to fiber, fruit contains many micronutrients — vitamins and minerals — but also phytochemicals (plant chemicals that may fight disease).
Let’s take a look to see how many grams of fiber you get from 100 calories of various foods:
Mango 3 g
Apple 4.65 g
Pear 5.31 g
Blueberries 4.21 g
Banana 2.95 g
Dates 0.86 g
Grapes 1 g
Watermelon 1.29 g
Oranges 4.49 g
Bread, Whole Wheat 2.74 g
Bread, White 0.90 g
Avocado 4.08 g
Spinach 10.15 g
Chickpeas 3.71 g
Spaghetti 1.13 g
Chicken, Beef, Eggs, and Animal Foods 0 g
Olive oil: 0 g
Fruit compares favorably with whole grains and beans when it comes to fiber. Although vegetables do contain more fiber per calorie, we also tend to eat smaller amounts (when measured in calories).

The Advantages of Eating a Fruit Based Diet

You have to get the bulk of your calories somewhere. Health-minded vegans will fill up on starch, such as potatoes, whole grains, and beans — for those calories.
Low-carbers, such as those going along the lines of a “Paleo” eating pattern will get most of their calories from high-fat foods, such as avocados, olive oil, etc. The lean proteins they consume are not a significant source of calories. Finally, most people eat in a pattern where they get half of their calories from fat and half from carbohydrates (with protein providing only 15% of total calories).
Viewed in this way, getting most of your calories from fruit is not that controversial. You will still consume other foods that provide a balance of nutrients — but the bulk of your calories will come from fruit.
This way of eating can provide several advantages.
  • Fruit is easier to digest than starch, and therefore your energy levels will be higher. After a meal of fruit, you will not feel tired and drowsy, as you could with a meal of cooked starches. Your mental clarity will improve.
  • Fruit can be enjoyed without condiments, and without salt. On a fruit-based diet, your sodium intake for the day will be much lower, reducing your blood pressure and improving your health.
  • Fruit is easy to prepare, reducing the time necessary for food prep and cleanup. You’ll have more time to enjoy your day.
  • Your body will produce less mucus. For some reason, fruit doesn’t seem to be mucogenic. Your sinus passages will open up, and you’ll be able to breathe better.
  • Fruits don’t require cooking. Therefore you will save on electricity. Blending only takes a few seconds and hardly any energy use.
  • Fruits are free of carcinogens. New molecules are produced through Maillard reactions while cooking carbohydrates, and more so animal proteins. These new compounds are not necessarily carcinogenic, but some research suggests that they could be. In any case, on a fruit based diet, you’ll experience less body odor, which could due to the lower concentration of Maillard molecules in the body.
  • A fruit based diet is easy to follow while traveling, as long as you avoid restaurants. You can find bananas practically everywhere.
  • Many people find an improvement in endurance and stamina on a fruit-based diet. For this reason, many athletes follow this diet.
  • Your anti-oxidant intake will be higher. Fruits are more nutrient-dense, by calorie or volume than any other food besides non-starchy vegetables.
Most people I have known on a fruit based diet are very lean. Some people prone to weight gain can still fail to lose weight or even gain weight on a fruit-based diet, just like they would eating any other meal plan. They will have to exercise more and watch their caloric intake, even from fruits.

The Drawbacks of a Fruit-Based Diet

The primary problem with this diet is that it’s difficult to follow and requires an enormous level commitment. Social activities may become difficult unless you organize your entire life around the diet. However, those are issues for people trying to follow it 100% and can be solved by not going all the way and include a percentage of cooked foods in your diet. One way some people get around this issue is to eat only fruit until dinner, at which point you could eat other foods.
In my experience, though, the more fruit you eat, the more sensitive your body becomes to other foods. You can get extremely sick when “cheating” on seemingly harmless foods, as Steve Pavlina found out when eating a streak of 30 days on a fruit-based, all raw diet. But my observation is that this is more a problem if you eat all-raw for weeks at a time. If you follow a program where you regularly eat some cooked foods, you will not experience this reaction. We could explain this bizarre problem by the fact that fruit is so easy to digest that the body “unlearns” to digest other foods.
Dental problems can be an issue for many because of the acidity and sugar in fruit. Those issues can be resolved by keeping acidic fruit intake to a minimum, regularly brushing and flossing, and using fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouthwash.
Finally, a fruit-based diet is more expensive than a starch-based diet. Choosing a cheaper staple, like bananas, can reduce costs.

Living on Fruit Exclusively?

In my years of exploring the raw food diet, I have met a few individuals who have lived on fruit only for years on end. They may consume some green vegetables occasionally, but don’t make a point of doing it, so their vegetable consumption is negligible.