Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Anti-Biotics and Birth Defects -Source WDDTY

Antibiotics cause birth defects, pregnant women warned

Some antibiotics can cause severe birth defects, pregnant women have been warned this week.
Antibiotic use is common among pregnant women, and doctors have believed they do not affect the growing fetus, but a new study from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has discovered that two types of the drug can cause several severe birth defects.
One group, the nitrofurantoins, are regularly given to pregnant women who are resistant to other antibiotics, and they include the drug Furadantin. 

Anti-Biotics - Source WDDTY

Common antibiotic is a killer, researchers discover

One of the world’s most commonly prescribed antibiotics can be a killer, new research has discovered this week.
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole – which is marketed as Septra and Bactrim – causes a range of life-threatening reactions, including kidney failure and hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), say researchers.